Women adventurers

XRV John

Jan 23, 2015
Obviously being a motorcyclist my bent is towards women who push their endurance limits on two wheels

Lois Pryce (solo round the world)
Patsy Quirk (Dakar privateer)
Laila Sainz (Dakar again but up front with the boys)


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Julia, one more thing I'd suggest if you travel and/or camp with someone you've met online. You already have a buddy back home who's monitoring your return; you should also let that buddy accompany you when you go to meet the people you'll be camping with. That way he or she will know what they look like. I'd also suggest that you ask them to show you and your buddy an ID with a picture and their home address to verify they are who they say they are and give the police a place to start looking for you if things don't go well.

That may sound a bit OTT but I should think anyone you're meeting online would understand and not have a problem with it. Indeed, if they do have a problem that should be a red flag.

I achieved much the same by emailing a photo of them to the buddy, along with the reg number of the car I got in. But yes, for some meetups there is merit in your suggestions.

Julia, wherever it happens, that is a terrible thing. I wish you all the best in your efforts to get out again. You shouldn't have to go with friends for safety, I agree, but on the other hand there is nothing wrong with a little friendly company, and you can look at it as a step on the way. After a trauma like that (and it clearly was, from your reaction) you should go with whatever helps you, and not worry about what anyone else thinks.

Thank you.

I managed to get out last night into some woods on the North Downs. I was quite nervous to start with, esp when someone shone a very powerful torch straight at me. But other than a couple of cyclists, I didn't see anyone else all night. I was also lovely and toasty warm in my new bag, once my toes defrosted...

I'll write a write up soon. But for now, I've got back on the horse so to speak. Now I just need to sustain it.



M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I achieved much the same by emailing a photo of them to the buddy, along with the reg number of the car I got in. But yes, for some meetups there is merit in your suggestions.....

You're already thinking the right way about precautions so you're gonna be fine.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Many children dream of reaching the stars, and Lt. Col. Merryl Tengesdal turned that dream into reality when she became one of eight female pilots to ever fly the U-2 in the almost 50-year history of the Dragon Lady. http://1.usa.gov/1z7EYyt



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