Bushcraft & Survival Skills magazine article reference

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I've been going through my copies of the mag (except the hard to get issues which I don't have) and listing the articles which saves the frustration of going through my copies to find something!

I've also used a biro to write the issue number on the spine to keep them in order. I've listed the article writer too, except were no one is mentioned, and those by Simon & Olivia (the editor & sub editor which with hindsight seems a bit mean!). I've not listed some features-eg the course & shop directory, the free small ad page etc which are regular features.

Roger Harrington-Bison Bushcraft
Dave Watson-Fire-Friend or Foe?
Chris Holland-Bushcraft & Contemporary Living
Daisy May-When There’s no Power What Power do you Have?
Marcus Harrison-An Introduction to Wild Food
Jeremy Hastings-Bushcraft Story-the Day of the Whale
Patrick McGlichy-How to Make a Birch Bark Container
What Lights Your Fire?(Firesteel Review)
Anthonio Akkermans-Bushcraft. A Reason For Being?
Collins Gem Food For Free (Book Review)
Bison Bushcraft Course Review
Chris Holland-Fun in the Bush!

Roger Harrington-Axe selection For Bushcraft
Scrub’s up! (Horsetail as a Cleaner)
Where’s the Water? (Water Sources)
Dave Watson-Hand Drill Equipment & Basic Technique
Selecting a Good Bushcraft Course
Hennessy Hammock Review
Karl Lee-Flintknapping, Material Selection & Reduction
Daisy May-Survival Skills & Marmite!
Chris Holland-’Wild Water’
Thomas Schorr-Kon-A Wonder Herb? Plantain
Chris Holland-Blindfolded Path Stalk
Patrick McGlinchy-How to make a Rolled Birch Bark container
Trevor Funnell-What Knots, The Bowline
Every Day-A day in the Woods!
Lofty’s Back! Outdoor Survival Book Review
Marcus Harrison-High Noon on the Wild Side (Late Summer/ Early Autumn Plants & Recipe)
British Deer ID Fact Sheet
Jeremy Hastings-Using a Knife safely
Woodland Survival Crafts Course Review

Roger Harrington-Survival Kits
Keeping the Elements at Bay
On the Rocks (Different ‘Bushcraft’ Stones)
Andrew Price-Filtering Water with a Millbank Bag
Marcus Harrison-And the Cupboard was Bare (Winter Foraging & Recipes)
Bushcraft Bare Essentials (Outdoor Bra Review)
Dave Watson-Tinderbox tip, Wood Punk
British Squirrels
Chris Holland-The Challenge of a Green Resolution
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Detox the Bushcraft way!
Bushtruck Course Review
Making Fire With Ice (Ice Ball Magnifier)
Dave Watson-Traditional Flint & Steel (& Charcloth)
Daisy May-Enjoy the Elements (Tom Brown’s Field Guide, Nature & Survival for Children Book Review)
Backyard Bushcraft (Chimenea)
Pink Makeover (Breast cancer Campaign Outdoor Kit)
What Knot? The Sheepshank
Need Food…Need Resources?
Karl Lee-Producing Flint Blades & Flint Knapping, the art of the Ancients DVD Review
Jeremy Hastings-Winter Roving
Chris Holland-Sound Maps

Roger Harrington-Axe Sharpening
James Watson-Fancy Perfect Pitch? (Resin Glue)
Andrew Price-MIOX Purifier Review
Mike Armstrong-Using a Snare
Marcus Harrison-When Nettles were Blind (Spring Plants & Recipes)
Ask Our Expert (Karl Lee)
Ben McNutt-How to Construct a Bush Tipi
Ian Maxwell-Make it Easy
Karl Lee-The Neanderthal ‘Bout Coupe’ (Hand Axe)
Women in the Wild-Home From Home
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Leaves & Flowers Spring To Mind! (Elderflower)
Jeremy Hastings-A Fishing Adventure…
Dave Watson-Making Life Easy (Beginner Bow Drill)
Chris Salisbury-Nocturnal Nature
What Knot? Round Turn & Two Half Hitches
The OS Outdoors Show Review
Steve Yates-Oak Leaf Training
Natures hardware Store-The Sun
Daisy May-Primitive Living, Self Sufficiency & Survival Skills Book Review
Tent or Tepi…
Does Ray Mears have a New Knife Maker? (George Thompson)
Chris Holland-Doing the Fox Walk
Spring’s here!

Dave Budd-Knives With a Purpose
Andrew Price-Obtaining Water in Arid Climates
What Knot? Bunny Ears
Marcus Harrison-Was it Good For you? (‘Weed’ Veg & Recipes)
Backyard Bushcraft-Wooden Herb Garden Fence
What do you Sleep in?
Lars Falt in Sweden
Jerkying Around
Seasoning Cast Iron Pots
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Time to Stock up on Vitamin C
Hazel-The Wonder wood!
Ian Nairn-A Week in the Woods (Tamarack Course Review)
Dave Watson-Another String For Your Bow
James Watson-Not Just For the Dogs! Rawhide Container)
Mans Best Friend Can Lighten Your Load
Animal Tracks ID (Ian Maxwell) Book Review
Mike Armstrong-To Catch a Trout (DIY Copper Pipe Lure
Chris Salisbury-Stag Nights!
Women in the Wild-Natural Beauty (Sally Pointer article/ ‘To dos’)
Chris Holland-Stories, Patterns & Bushcraft
Collecting Animal Tracks (Plaster of Paris)
George Thompson-Walnuts!
Chris Holland-Great Sitting Bugs!
Jeremy Hastings-A Summer Camp

Dave Budd-Freehand Sharpening
Dave Watson-Hand Drill Variants (cordage)
Marcus Harrison-Berried…or Buried (red, orange & black berries
Small Woodland Creatures (book review)
Mike Armstrong-More About (making) Lures
Firewood Facts (burning qualities)
Wrapped up in Layers
Thomas Schorr-Kon- Mystery of Mistletoe
Make Your Own Axe (Gransfors course)
George Thompson-George & Mors in Canada & How to Make a Tin Whistle
Andrew Price-Desalination
James Watson-Arrow Making
Winter Travels (prep)
Bushcraft beats the blues
It’s a Christmas Tree (id piece)
Knots? (RT&2HH, Prusik, Timber & Truckers Hitch)
Chris Salisbury-Presents or Presence
Be Prepared-First aid kit review
Chris Holland-Celebrating Death & Rebirth & Prints in Pooh!
Jeremy Hastings-A Winters Tale
The Gatherer

Dave Budd-UK Jungle Warfare
Dave Watson-Hand Drill Variants pt II
Andrew Price-Make a Box Oven
Marcus Harrison-Burdock
Neil Cowley-Learning for Disengaged Children
Ian Nairn-Get a Handle on the Situation
Mike Armstrong-Fish Prep
Chris Salisbury-Gorged & Bloated
Women In The Wild-Women Instructing in the Wild
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Pine
George Thompson-(Rounded End) Opinel Knife
What Knot? Overhand
James Watson-You are What You Think! (Bow Making)
Daisy May-Ray Mears Wild Food Book Review
Everyday Bushcraft Cedar Plank Stand
Glyn David-Every Second Counts
Grant Neale-Tarp Review
Chris Holland-Playing Out
Claire Morris-Artic Survival Challenge Course Review
Jeremy Hastings-It was an old Year Yesterday
Fi Bird-Mussels

Dave Budd-Ultimate Bushcraft Tool, The Billhook
Andrew Price-Cooking Fish on a Stick
Ian Nairn-How to Carve a Wooden Cup
Marcus Harrison-A Whiff of Garlic in the Night (& Recipes)
Mike Lumino-Everyday Bushcraft (Pot Hanger)
Chris Salisbury-Spring Awakening
Grant Neale-Sock Review
Women in the Wild-Your Place or Mine? (Spiders)
Bushcraft on the British Coast
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Dandelion
Chris Holland-Follow That Log
Jeremy Hastings-Oimelc
Dave Watson-Fire by Pole Lathe
What Knot? Alpine Butterfly
Bushcraft Skills & How to Survive in the Wild Book Review
James Fox-Birch Polypores
Mike Armstrong-Plastic Bottles (Minnow Trap)
Glyn David-Having a Plan
Chris Holland-Beyond the Porcelain
Lindsey Burns-The Modern Native (Native Awareness Course Review)
Fi Bird-Rhubarb & Sweet Cecily
George Thompson-Making a Whimmy Diddle

Dave Budd-Which Axe?
Andrew Price-Making a Sycamore Twig Whistle
James Watson-You are What You Think! (Bows pt II)
Daisy May-The Wild Gourmets Book Review
Ian Nairn-Make a Folding Bucksaw
From Afghanistan to Derbyshire
Grant Neale-Insect Repellents
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Yarrow
Becci Coombes-Wildwood Bushcraft Course Review
Jeremy Hastings-Spring Gifts
Dave Watson-Finding Tinder & Kindling in the Wet
What Knot? Figure of Eight Through Knot (Loop)
Top Tip-Fire Precautions
Marcus Harrison-Among the Lion’s Teeth (Dandelions)
Chris Salisbury-Snakes alive!
Annette SticklerThe Solo Woman Traveller
Chris Holland-Bushcraft & the Sense of Direction
George Thompson-Making a Bullroarer
Fi Bird-Summer Food Safety (& Elderflower Recipes)
Chris Holland-Waterhole Wander

Dave Budd-Sharpening pt II
Andrew Price-Summer Shelter
Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Series Review
What Knot/ Uni Knot
Andrew Price-Paiute (Dead Fall) Trap
Chris Salisbury-Hotter Than July…
Grant Neale-Water Purifiers/ Filters
Women in the Wild-Women With an Axe to Grind
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Nettle
Fi Bird-Cherries & Berries
George Thompson-Make a Survival Tin!
Dave Watson-Pump Drill Firelighting
James Watson-Stone Me! (Sling Shot)
Marcus Harrison-Nettles (with recipes)
It’s a Sunny Day!
Paul O’Conner-Bushcraft on the TV
Chris Holland-First Aid Role Play
Hot, Hot, Hot! (Sun Protection)
Jonathon Simons-Tracking…
Daniel Grainger-Basic Survival
Jeremy Hastings-Summer Camp Midnight Fun
Chris Holland-A Model Camp Fire
Dave Budd-UK Knife Law
Selecting a Canadian Canoe
Andrew Price-Spring Release Traps
Chris Salisbury-Nature’s Olympians (Salmon etc)
What Knot? Sheet Bend
Bob Jenkins-Charcloth Wick
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Clover
Jack Burgess-Mushrooming Without Fear Book Review
Chris Holland-Woodland Olympics pt I
Dave Watson-Fire Steel Stages of Competence
James Watson-A So Call Weed, Plantain
Marcus Harrison-It’s Porkie time (Hogweed)
Rewilding, For & Against?
Annette Stickler-Stella Marsden CBE, a Tribute
Jonathan Simons-All Sense & no Feeling?
Fi Bird-Chanterelle
George Thompson-Make a Catapult

Dave Budd-Winter Tool Care
Dave Watson-The Classic Bow Drill
Aussie Swag Review
Ray Mears Vanishing World Review
Annette Stickler-Concrete Jungle Survival
Chris Salisbury-day Turns to Night
Jonathan Simons-Are You Sitting Comfortably?
Winter Wonderland
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Reedmace
George Thompson-Making a Hedgehog House
John Rhyder-Looking After the Land
How to Make a Nest Box
Marcus Harrison-On a Cold & Frosty Morning
Andrew Price-Location, location, laocation (trapping)
Grant Neale-Handmade Knife Review
Lisa Fenton-Tickling a Trout
Marine Mammal Medic
Fi Bird-Hazelnuts & Rosehips
Chris Holland-Woodland Olympics pt II, French Arrow Throwing
What Knot? Flemish Knot

Dave Budd-What to Look For in a Handmade Knife
John Rhyder-How to Cut Wood
James Watson-Adhere to Nature (Hide Glue)
Grant Neale-Cooking Without a Fire (Stove Review)
A New Prospect-ive
Andrew Price-The Figure 4 Deadfall Trap
Ian Nairn-The Woollen Top
Jonathan Simons-Tools of the (Tracking) Trade
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Willow
Andrew Price-Damascene Knife Making
Jeremy Hastings-Winter Was Drawing to an End
Marcus Harrison-Tea For Two
What Knot? Double Fishermans
Field Guide to Tracking Animals in the Snow Review
Use Your Nod!
Chris Salisbury-A new Years Treat
Chris & Elizabeth Irwin-Baby Carrier Review
Annette Stickler-Snow Woman (Telemark)
Natures Hardware Store-Hide
Fi Bird-Venison Meatballs With Lemon & Thyme
George Thompson-How to Make a Paracord Bracelet
Chris Holland-Woodland Olympics pt III

Dave Budd-Emperor’s New Clothes (making a new sheath)
What Knot? Rolling Hitch
Hedgerow Medicine (book review)
Dave Watson -Leave no Trace
Hammock Review
Spring Clean
Andrew Price-Survival Fishing Kit
Jonathan Simms-Show me a sign
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Oak
GVI Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest Expedition (review)
George Thompson-Try a ‘Try’ Stick (pt I)
Marcus Harrison-Coffee mate? (Coffee and Alternatives)
John Rhyder-It’s Child’s Play
James Watson-No Space for Boredom (Jerky)
Lisa Fenton-between Two Worlds
Leather Pouches
Annette Stickler-On the High Trail by Horse Tail
Chris Salisbury-Spring Fever!
Fi Bird-Crystallised Violets
Jeremy Hastings-The Search…(pt I)
Chris Holland-Woodland Olympics pt IV

Dave Budd-How to Make a Knife
Willow Wood
What Knot? The Palomar
Survival Handbook (In Association with) The Royal Marines Review
Ian Maxwell
Ian Nairn Budget Lighting
Bear Grylls-Face to Face
James Watson-A Sharp Knife is Worth Less Than Knowledge (Primitive Tools)
Thomas Shorr-Kon-Meadowsweet
Jonathan Simons-Why, oh Why, Delilha! (Tracking Tips)
Graham Rideal-In Canada With Ray Mears (Red Nose Day)
George Thompson ‘try’ Stick (pt II)
Marcus Harrison-What Not to Eat!
John Rhyder-Minimal Impact Around Camp
Claire Knifton-Open Canoes-What’s Out There?
Dave Watson-Carrying a Coal
Keeping a Cool Head Hat Review
Joe O’Leary-The Journey is More Important Than the Destination
Andrew Price-Hobo Fishing
Grant Neale-When You Can’t have a Fire, How do You Cook? (Stove Review)
Annette Stickler-A Day in the Life of a Deer Lady…
Chris Salisbury-Wings of Desire
Jeremy Hastings-The Search…(pt II)
Chris Holland-Woodland Olympics pt V-Relay

Dave Budd-Splitting Firewood pt I
John Rhyder-The Simple Bark Quiver
Jonathan Simons-Stalking…Horses? (Stealth)
Dave Watson-Fire by Friction With Children
The Woodland Edge Firebox & Storm Kettle Reviews
A New Look at the Survival Tin
Ian Nairn-Billy Cans
James Watson-Your Flexible Friend (Flexible Bow)
Grant Neale-Binocular Review
Annette stickler-The Wicker Woman (& DIY Project)
Chris Salisbury-Under the Greenwood tree
Ian Nairn-Wilderness Survival Skills Hide Working Course Review
Fraser Christian-Smoking Fish
What Knot? The Water Knot
The Woodland Year, The Woodland Way & The Woodland House Book Review
What’s Bear Really Like? (Q&A)
Joe O’Leary-Maps
Andrew Price-Fishing With the Deadly Dead Line
Chris James-Antler
See For Yourself-Sunglasses & UV Clothing
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Comfrey
Jo Scholfield & Fiona Danks-DIY Camping
George Thompson-Make a Nautical Knot Board
Chris Holland-Woodland Olympics pt VI

Dave Budd-Splitting Firewood pt II
John Rhyder-Folded Bark Project
What Knot? The Constrictor Knot
Go Wild! & Places to Hide Book Reviews
Fraser Christian-Easy Shellfish Forage
Grant Neale-Rucksacks
Andrew Price-Kayak Fishing
Chris James-Air
Patrick Fulton-Living in the Trees
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Marigold
Fi Bird-Mushrooms
Chris Irwin-Gilwell 24
George Thompson-Blackberries! (and Homemade Berry picker)
Fergus Drennan-Fungi as Food
What type of Bushcrafter are you?
Jonathan Simons-The Light Fantastic
Dave Watson-Advanced Class Bow drill
Joe O’Leary-Using Your Map
Ian Nairn-The Tin Can Stove
Have I Found the Perfect Sleeping Setup?
Claire Knifton-Open Canoes-The Final Test
Annette Stickler-A Lady With a Quiver
Chris Salisbury-The Show Must go on! (Early Autumn)
Jo Scholfield & Fiona Danks-Fun Cooking on an Open Fire
Chris Holland-Soaring Eagles

Fergus Drennan-Winter Salads
Clair Hobson-Bushcraft & Forest Schools, the Classroom Without Walls
Dave Budd-Re-handling an Axe
Words of Wisdom-Bear Grylls
Real Tree, Fake Tree-You Decide
Grant Neale-The Best in Ventile Jackets
Andrew Price-Hunting with an Air Rifle
Chris Salisbury-The Transition
Ian Nairn-Boil in the Bag Meals
Luca Parrella-How to Build a Roundhouse Like the Ancient Britons
Annette Stickler-A Tribute to Marilyn Bailey
Patricia McCormack-Birthday Celebrations in the Wilderness
John Rhyder-Pot Hangers (Fire Crane & Wagon Stick)
What Knot? The Alpine Butterfly
Jonanthan Simons-That is the Question!
Dave Watson-Strap Drill
Fraser Christian-Catching & Trapping Fish & Shellfish
Lindsey Dearnley-A picture is Worth a 1000 Words
Jack Burgess- A-Z Bushcraft, Wildwise The Art of Fire & I Love my World Book/ DVD Review
Christmas Gift ideas
Thomas Schorr-Kon-A Rose by any Other Name
Grant Neale-Merino Wool, What did we do Without it?
George Thompson-Wreaths
Fi Bird-Chestnuts
Fiona Danks & Jo Schofield-Natural Missile Launchers
Outdoor Learning (Cool Crafts)
Fergus Drennan-Road Kill
A Dummies Guide to Choosing a Bushcraft Knife
Jonathan Simons-Ice Station Zebra (Wolf Tracking)
Northern Wilderness, Bushcraft & Survival vol 8 & The Poachers Handbook & Cookbook Reviews
Grant Neale-Sleeping & Bivi Bags
Fraser Christian-Seaweeds (Algae) Forages & Uses
Ian Nairn-Budget Bladder
Annette Stickler-The Lady of the Woods (Silver Birch Tree)
Tristan Gooley-Using the Sun pt II
Fiona Danks & Jo Schofield-Snowy Secrets
Grant Neale-Bushcraft Footwear John Rhyder-Back-Country Cooking (DIY Ovens etc)
What Knot? The Snell
Words of Wisdom-Perry McGee
Nic Westerman-Char Cloth
Rawdon O’Conner-Tracking in Bear Country
Andrew Price-The Catapult a s a Hunting Tool
Pablo-No Business Like Snow Business
Jason Ingamells-Carve your Own Spoon
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Coltsfoot
Ian Cresswell-Desert Survival
Fi Bird-Seaweed
Your Favourite Tree (and how to Gauge it’s Age/ Height)

Fergus Drennan-The Sap’s Rising
Dave Budd-What Saw?
Pablo-Badger Watching Battles
Nick Westerman-Striking a Spark
Ben Fogle the Adventurer
Jason Ingamells-Building a Raised bed for Your Shelter
Fraser Christian-Some Shore Food Plants
Grant Neale-Handmade Knives
Fi Glover-Spring Fayre
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Cedar
Andrew Price-tanning Small Pelts
George Thompson-natural Easter Eggs
John Rhyder-Ultimate Ash Bow
David Fairclough-Earthquake Survival
Lost Crafts, The Armchair Naturalist & the Badgers & Beeches & Blisters Book Reviews
James Cale-Outdoor Digital Cameras
Words of Wisdom-Mors Kochanski
Ian Nairn-April Showers (Poncho)
Annette Stickler-Woman of the Lake
Jonathan Simons-Stick in the Mud
Tristan Gooley-The Night Sky pt I
Foina danks & Jo Scholfield-Fishing for Your Supper
A Rotten Log

John Rhyder-Testing the Ultimate Ash Bow
Ben & Lois Orford-The Crooked Blade (& Sharpening Technique)
Pablo-Find the Fallow
Joe O’Leary-Long Term Shelters
Who Needs GPS? (& GPS Review)
Camp Fires
Fraser Christian-Coastal Survival kit bag
Jason Ingamells-Building a Woodland Table, Chair & Withies
Alternative Accomodation (The Bell Tent)
Dan Carpenter-Not Just a Day in the Woods (Native Skills Course Review)
Fiona Banks & Jo Schofield-Not Just Another Sand Castle
Fergus Drennan-The Art of Meristem Recognition (Picking Food at it’s Best Stage of Growth)
Hunting for Wild Honey
Words of Wisdom-Andrew Price
Dustin James-Fire by Compression (Fire Piston)
The Natural Navigator & 101 Things to Make & do Outdoors Book reviews
Ian Nairn-Budget ?Food on your Plate (Pigeon)
Jonathan Simons-Here Kitty, Kitty
Annette Stickler-My Home in the Wild (& Rabbit Snares)
Tristan Gooley-The Night Sky pt II
George Thompson-Bee Nest
Why do Trees Have Bark?

Fergus Drennan-Wild Summer Fruits
Ben & Lois Orford-How to Make a Simple Sharpening System
Words of Wisdom-Ian Maxwell (Energy Matching)
Eleanor Hayman Bushcraft & a Reappraisal of Cave Art
50 Ways to use Your Hat
Grant Neale-Pacing the Duration (Larger Pack review)
Ian Nairn-Budget Fire Boxes
Jason Ingamells-A Burnt-Out Cup
Portable Power (Mobile Phone apps, Accessories etc)
Tristan Gooley-Use the Trees to Navigate
Cave Art Communications
Natures Toys, A Magical Imagination
Dustin James-How to Make Charboard
David Craze-How to Make a Dutch Oven (& Recipes)
Pablo-Darting Dragons & Dainty Damsels
The Camp Fire Tent
Living for Tomottow, Fishing on the Front Line & Bambi & me Book Reviews
Fraser Christian-Salting, Preserving, Pickling
Jonathan Simons-Footsteps through Time
Annette Stickler-Fly Fishing Lady
Mike Aston-A Tracking Journey (Tracks 4 Life Course Review)
George ThompsonSlide Whistle

Fergus Drennan-Late Summer, Early Autumn Salad
John Rhyder-Making the Ultimate Bow
Ben/ Lois Orford-Processing Wood With an Axe
Pablo-Stuck in a Rut
David Craze-Caring For Your Dutch Oven
Annette Stickler-The Ancient Craft of Spinning
Grant Neale-Pocket Saw Review
Fraser Christian-Coast Hunter
Annette Stickler-Natures own Climbing Frame
Pablo-Ju/ Hoansi Hunter Gatherers
George Thompson-A cutting Edge
Ian Nairn-Budget Bling
Clair Hobson/ Scott Woolsgrove-Words of Wisdom
The Complete book of Fire & Last Child in the Woods Book Review
Anne Young/ Mark Clark-H M Coastguard
Jonathan Simons-Getting Plastered
Jason Ingamells-A Kitchen Camp Workshop
Base Camp Beds
Tristan Gooley-the Truth About Moss

Fergus Drennan- Magic Mushcrooms
Ben/ Lois Orford-Making a Tent Peg
John Rhyder-Tillering
Words of Wisdom-Eddie McGee
Jane Renshaw-Dyeing the Natural Way
Kari Poppis Suomela-Multi-tool Review
Ian Nairn-Budget Belt Pouch
Jason Ingamells-Simple Kitchen Utensils
Pablo-Meet the Muntjac
Ben & Lois Orford-A Room With a Loo
Tristan Golley-The Fickle moon
George Thompson-’Junior’ Bushcraft Knife Review
Dale Collett-Floating Hand Drill Technique
Bushcraft Wedded Bliss
Russell S. Bowles-How to make Your Own Bushcraft Knife
Bushcrafty Christmas Gifts
Fraser Christian-Medicinal Plants Along the Coast
Emma Hampton-The History of the Spork
Annette Stickler-Felt Making
Jonathan Simons-A Tracker’s ChristmasTale
The Wilderness Survivial Guide & The Tracking Handbook Review

Fergus Drennan-Wild Literature (Wild Food Related Books)
Ben & Lois Orford-An Axe to Grind (Axe Sharpening)
Ian Maxwell-Call of the Wild
Emma Hampton-Survival of the Fittest
Simon Ellar-Winter Time (Watch Review)
Survive! Tree Craft & I Love Dirt Book Reviews
Ian Nairn-Budget Bush shirt pt I
Jason Ingamells-Building a Rucksack Frame
Annette Stickler-Warm Memories of the Artic
Jonathan Simons-Walk on by! (Structure of Feet)
Dale Collett-Fire Plough
John Rhyder-Bone & Antler Work
Pablo-Stalking a Squirrel
Dave Craze-More Dutch Oven Cooking (& Recipes)
Fraser Christian-Rod & Line Fishing for Food
Kaktus H20 Rain collecting device/ Jompy Water Boiler (purifier) Reviews
A New Frontier (Stove) Review
Simon King Article
Tristan Gooley-The Wind & Clouds

Fergus Drennan-Working on Your Glutes (& Recipes)
Ben & Lois Orford-Making a Work Horse
Pablo-Hare Today Gone Tomorrow
Emma Hampton-…Next to Godliness (Personal Hygiene)
Fraser Christian-Fishing With Gill Nets (& How to Make)
Ian Nairn-Budget Bush Shirt pt II
Words of Wisdom-Ben McNutt
Jason Ingamells-Make your own Leather Drinking Vessel (With Template)
About Best in Bushcraft 2010
The Wilderness Camp
Harry Hazeldean-Coastal foraging with David Bellamy OBE & Laver Bread Recipe
Dale Collett-Rattan Fire Thong
John Rhyder-Identifying the raw material (Tree id)
Perry McGee-Tracking Tales From Africa
Grant Neale-Which Cookset Does the Best English Breakfast? Review
Roundwood Timber Framing & The Little Book of Whittling Book Reviews
Annette Stickler-How do Wild Animals Heal Themselves?
Dave Craze-Ronnie’s Venison with Red Wine Stew & Damper Bread
More time (Watch Review pt II)
Tristan Gooley-Lichens

I've copied and pasted from two column tables but I *think* it's all transferred over...
Older issues update:-

Issue 5
Dave Watson-Make your own bow drill set
Patrick McGlinchey-How to make a Reedmace doll
Axe safety
Andrew Price-Obtaining water from snow and ice
Maths survival and Basic bushcraft & survival reviews
Olivia Beardsmore-Down to earth Christmas
Patrick McGlinchy-How to make Acorn jewellery
Simon Ellar-Seeing in the dark
Karl Lee-Production of simple flake tools
Dave Watson-Elder whistle and wooden flower stem
Winter tree ID
Marcus Harrision-A swinish new year’s feast (acorns/ Hazels/ Beech)and recipes
Patrick McGlinchy-Acorn coffee
Olivia Beardsmore-Weeing in the wild
Trevor Funnell-What knot?The figure of eight
Chris Holland-A contemporary Christmas
Great gifts for Christmas and all year round
ThomasSchorr-Kon-Beat the christmas stress and indulgence
Tony Collins-Bearclaw/ Islay birding and bushcraft course review
Jeremy Hastings-The Yule log
Chris Holland-Adopt a stretch of river bank

Issue 7
Dave Watson-Bow drill variations
Marcus Harrison-Late winter/ Spring greens and recipes
Fire from drinks and chocolate...What?
Knife usage and the UK law
Mike Armstrong-Making a snare
Grant Neale-backpack ready meals review
Ask the expert
ISPO Munich trade show
Steve Yates-Consequences (accidents/ first aid)
Animal tracks and signs (Preben Bang & Preben Dahlstrøm) and Survival skills DVD (Lofty wiseman) reviews
Karl Lee-Hammer time!
Chris Salisbury-Badger watching
An interview with Johnny Kingdom
Ian Maxwell introduction
Ben McNutt-Campsite selection (shelter and campcraft)
Olivia Beardsmore-Naturally fit!
Trevor Funnell-What knot? The marlin spike hitch
Chris Holland-The song of spring
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Leaves and flowers spring to mind!
Patrick H. Lindsay-From the tree to a very large bowl
Andrew Price-Water purification, why bother?
Chris Elphick-Dryad bushcraft course review
Jeremy Hastings-Spring was in the air!
Chris Holland-Reach out and touch the land!

Issue 9
Dave Budd-an audience with a knife maker
Dave Watson-Fire saw
Andrew Price-Improvised water purification techniques
Jams Watson-Brain tanning
What knot?/ Tinderbox tip
Ian Maxwell-ZIZO
Marcus Harrison-Late Spring/ Early summer greens with recipes
Ian Nairn-How to carve a wooden spoon
Mike Armstrong-Prepping a Rabbit
Ticked Off!
Karl Lee-Basic pressure flaking-Leaf shaped arrowheads
Chris Salisbury-Wildwise
Simon Ellar-Cooking over an open fire (options)/ How to make S’mores
Self protection
Olivia Beardsmore-Women, chocolate and survival!/ A weekend with the girls (Hannah Nichols)
Thomas Schorr-Kon-Bees and Burdock
Chris Holland-The love of a real fire
Simon Ellar-Coastal foraging of a different kind
Neil Cowley-Purposeful plants (Woodcraft course review)
George Thompson-Bannock making
Jeremy Hastings-A solar clock
Chris Holland-Woodland radar
List of newer issues to date:-

Issue 32
Fergus Drennan-The irrepressible Dandelion
Jason Ingamells-Make your own basket
Ben and Lois Orford-Making a bowl
Pablo-Feathering their nests
Ben McNutt-The haunts and feeding habits of fish
Emma Hampton-First aid essentials, what are you packing?
Dale Collett-Drying a wet fire by friction set
Zoe Todd-Ronnie’s run rabbit stew
Grant Neale-Mid layer bush shirt reviews
Ian Maxwell-Snakes unsprung
The trappers bible (DaleMartin), Hawke’s Green Beret survival manual/ handbook (Myke Hawke) ,SWC knife DVD reviews
Ian Nairn-Budget tarp reviews
Cath Harris-The Country Bumpkin
Annette Stickler-Life on the open road
Russell Bowles-Archie Grey Owl
Tristan Gooley-The shape of the land
NEC Outdoor Show stand review
Gerber/ Bear Grylls survival series
Fraser Christian-The beach oven
Harry Hazeldean-Hot smoking bag

Issue 33
Fergus Drennan-Wild and random (plant salts, sandhoppers etc)
Jason Ingamells-Carving a ladle
Ben and Lois Oerford-Making a shaving horse
Pablo-Roe deer
Ben McNutt-Advanced weatherlore
Perry McGee-The many uses of an emergency bag pt I
Dale Collett-The multitrap
Pablo-The trouble with ticks
Dave Craze-Slow roast venison tortillas
Emma Hampton-Get well soon
Ian Nairn-Machete review
Ian Maxwell-Trial by torture
The private life of Adders (Roger McPhail) and Run wild! Outdoor games and adventures (Fi danks and Jo Schofield) book rviews
Ian Nairn-Budget dry bags
Steve Backshall interview
Annette Stickler-A personal insight into Native American crafts
Frasier Christian-Catching and cooking crabs
The Bushcraft Show 2011 roundup
Simon Ellar-Firesteel review
Harry Hazeldean-Carving a wood spirit
Tristan Gooley-The planets

Issue 34
Fergus Drennan-Seaweed, Hawthorn, Crab apple, Plantain, Plantain article
Ben and Lois Orford-Spatulas and spoons
Jason Ingamells-How to make a sling shot (catapult)
Pablo-‘Owt’ with the Owls
Ben McNutt-Throwing the right hook (lure making)
Dave Craze-Stout and fruit soda bread
Perry McGee-The many uses of an emergency bag (ptII)
Dale Collett-The heat log
Emma Hampton-Natural first aid and improvisation
Ian Nairn-Premium machete review
Simon Ellar-Lofty Wiseman interview
Duncan clark-Survival instructor award
Mud, sweat and tears (Bear Grylls) and instant Expert (Simon Ellar) book reviews
Ian Nairn-Budget fishing
Annette Stickler-A life as a Samburu woman
Frasier Christian-Shellfish
Grant Neale-Micro LED torch review
Olivia Beardsmore-Three generations in the woods
Harry Hazeldean-Carving a (wooden)knife
Tristan Gooley-The animals

Issue 35
Jason Ingamells-Campfire furniture
Ben and Lois Orford-The Mocotaugan (crook knife)
Pablo-Taking note(s) of nature
Ben McNutt-Catch my drift (snow shelters)
Christmas bushcraft gifts
Perry McGee-The many uses of an emergency bag (ptIII)
Dale Collett-The Lester spear
Fraser Christian-Water, water ,everywhere (solar still, distillation etc)
Ian Nairn-Machete review special edition
Grant Neale-Hand made knife review
Ian Nairn-Budget bushcraft wedding
Dave craze-Dutch oven Christmas dinner and winter storage
Lofty Wiseman-Survival, a fight of the mind
Collins Gem-Stars (ian Ridpath), The survival retreat (Ragner Benson) and The Dutch oven cookbook (Jason Ingamells and Kevan Palmer) book reviews
Perry McGee-Tracking, Survival and the use of glow sticks
Joe O’Leary-Info about getting permission to use land advice
Richard Lees-Cracking bracken
Simon Ellar-Coastal Survival course review
Annette Stickler-Reindeer are for life, not just for Christmas
Harry Hazeldean-Making a candle holder

Issue 36
Jason Ingamells-Ribbed framed basket
Joe O’Leary-Advanced long term shelter building (pt I)
Pablo-Urban Fox
Fergus Drennan-pull out four recipe card
Emma Hampton-Always take the weather with you
Russell S. Bowls-Tracking Tigers (Jim Corbett story)
Perry McGee-The many uses of an emergency bag (pt IV)
Scott Griffiths-Bushcraft croquet
Fraser Christian-Sea kayaking
Happy people-A year in Taiga, Mushrooming with confidence (Alexander Schweb) book and DVD review
Grant Neale-Pack axe review
Dave Craze-Squashed & Stuffed recipe
Simon Ellar/ Jason Ingamells-Sahara expedition (behind the scenes)
Nick Winder-Who are you going to call? (Mountain rescue article)
Lofty Wiseman-Hypothermia
Perry McGee-In my Fathers footsteps (Oman Wadi tracking)
Ben and Lois Orford-Make the most of your machete
Ian Nairn-Budget mitts and insoles
George Thompson-Magic of the wood (Norwegian woodworking)
Annette Stickler-Not just for women! (cycles)
Harry Hazeldean-Making a key ring

Issue 37
Kevan Palmer-Coil basketry
Joe O’Leary-Advanced long term shelter building (pt II)
Pablo-Seeing in the dark
Ben and Lois Orford-Bushcraft knife spring clean
Russell S. Bowles-Choosing binoculars
Dave Watson- The woodland Recliner chair
Pablo-Bushcraft and the law. Pt I, knife law
Frasier Christian-Spear Fishing
Foraging self sufficiency (David Squire) & Moonlighting (Michael Brown) book reviews
Sharpening systems
Bear Grylls/ Gerber range review
Ian Nairn-Budget ice spikes
Lofty Wiseman-Handling a survival situation
Dave Craze-Dutch oven Wood Pigeon Pie
Perry McGee-Basic tracking in water
Annette Stickler-Life as an Iron Age woman
Harry Hazeldean-Making a mini bacon
Best in Bushcraft-About the winners
Dale Collett-Bow drill cord
Paul Wolferstein-Perry McGee tracking course review
Fergus Drennan-Sea Beet and Rapeseed sauerkraut

Issue 38
Jason Ingamells-Making your own hook
Ben and Lois Orford-Modify your Mora pt I
Joe O’Leary-Moccasin boot hybrids
The stick book (Jo Schofield & Fi Danks), big cats, Britain’s wild predators (Rick Minter), eat the beach (Frasier Christian), Survivability of the common man (Dave Canterbury) book reviews
Pablo-Coniferous woodland
Ian Nairn-Budget fire irons
Dave Craze-Dutch oven belly breakfast
Frasier Christian-Making and using a fish trap
Ben and Lois Orford-bench stone review
Mark Hordon-Tinder...time for a new vocabulary
Pablo-Bushcraft and the law pt II, trespass
Lofty wiseman-Jungle or the green Hell
Perry McGee-Uses of the stinging nettle
Grant Neale-Desert boot review
Ian Cresswell Throwing arrows
George Thompson-A room with a view (bell tent)
Austin Lill-Paracord knitting

Issue 39
Jason Ingamells-Carving a Welsh love spoon
Ben and Lois Orford-Modify your Mora pt II (sheath)
Joe O’Leary-Primitive packs
SAS guide to combat (Robert Stirling) & The Paras fitness flick book (Maj. Sam McGrath) reviews
Pablo-There’s a rat in me garden
The Bushcraft Show 2012
Frasier Christian-Making a raft
Grant Neale-Survival kit review
Simon Ellar-Interview with Survivorman
Woodland Olympics
Ian Nairn-Budget cargo kit
Perry McGee-Being prepared to track
Lofty Wiseman-Deserts
Ian Nairn Hammock review ptI
Frasier Christian-Improved fishing hooks

Issue 40
Simon Ellar-The biggest handmade axe in the world ever?
Ben and Lois Orford-How to get the best from your waterstone
Lofty Wiseman-Venomous snakes
Pablo-Lowland Heathland
Fergus Drennan-How to be a successful forager
Grant Neale-Bushcraft trouser review
Jason Ingamells-So you want to be a bushcraft instructor?
Dave Watson-Line bast cordage
Ian Nairn-Budget fire lighters
Joe O’Leary-The survival tin that nature provides
Grant Neale-The 72 hour kit
Jonathon Ridgeon-How to weave a wicker basket
Ian Nairn-Hammock review ptII
Best in Bushcraft 2012
Perry McGee-Tracking Zebra
The second meadow (Archie Hill) and Abandoned-A novel of survival (Maj. Sam McGrath) book reviews
An introduction the Paul Kirtley
That. Ust of taken you years mate. This should be made a sticky. If anybody has some of the ones that are missing could they do the same as well. I really need to sub to the bushcraft and survival skills magazine.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.