I had a interview for Bear Grylls


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
The new thing he is doing where he puts 12/13 ordinary bums onto a island and has them fending for themselves.??

I never made it through to the last audition as i kinda choked at the 60 second interview thing they had going but i know what to expect the next time .

Anyway i just thought i would share with you guys and Gals? what i was up to these past few months and if anyone fancies trying out for the show i can give you tips on what to expect at the interview stage.

The filming for the next show to be aired will be already in the bag as they left on the 18th of September and arrived back late November, so they are no doubt busy editing the show to make good TV...I Would have been Awesome on that show..They missed a trick with me the fools that they are, but as i said, i made a complete 'mess' of the interview. Next time maybe.?:p
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Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
My brother went up for that - but was turned down!
I believe you need to show a certain level of confidence at the interview stage. something i never managed to do as i was caught cold. I dont think they were ready for a guy from Lanarkshire speaking in his native tongue and not really 'caring' either.;)
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Aug 21, 2014
I wouldn't mind doin.summat like that
Only problem being is most ppl can't make ed nor tails of my accent at best of times so I'd need a translator


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
how much do you win in his competition (or is it a payment for appearing)?
You dont win anything. It's supposed to be a Survival TV series but on the last show they supplied the water via a tarp covered hole in the ground and various things to get them started like a old fishing net and some garbage laying around that they could make floats and weights from...4 of the guys on the last show had worked with Bear Grylls before either as Camera men or survival experts so it was a bit of a fraud. They placed two Caiman on the Island for a source of food. they managed to catch one but not sure if it was stage managed or not.

I wouldn't mind doin.summat like that
Only problem being is most ppl can't make ed nor tails of my accent at best of times so I'd need a translator

They either take me as i am or 'not' (edited for language). BTW, is it just me or am i the only one who doesn't understand a word that comes out of Guy Martins Mouth..?
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Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
how much do you win in his competition (or is it a payment for appearing)?

I wouldn't mind doin.summat like that
Only problem being is most ppl can't make ed nor tails of my accent at best of times so I'd need a translator

Thats what the last show was missing, a central belter giving them laldie! They certainly missed a trick!

I'm a North Lanarkshire boy myself!
Yip, I sure wouldn't be running along a beach trying to brain Seaguls with a brick like Ryan did on the last show.

Mangroves = food...lots of Food, but they found nothing in four weeks other than the Caiman that was placed on the Island. You see these shows and they lose so much weight. i would come out fatter. ;)
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Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
Nice. Wonder why you didn't get on the show ?

And yeah, it's just you.
I was in a room with twenty other guys, we each got 60 seconds (timed) to impress the producers...Me, like a dick volunteered to go first...I choked. I wouldn't have picked me either...

If i had made it onto the show that would have been another story as i would have had a chance to relaxed more. I'll be applying for next year and will have my 'stuff' together this time.
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