Came across this today.....

Rabbit kill as found by British Red, on Flickr
From a distance I thought it was fur and faeces
Up close I realise something had neatly eviscerated a rabbit and left a neat, untouched, undamaged pile of guts and a "rear portion"

Rabbit kill intestines by British Red, on Flickr
This is rural Lincs so possible large raptors would include buzzard, kestrel, sparrowhawk (many), marsh harrier (local), barn owl (local), little owl (local). Mammals would certainly include badger, fox, weasel, stoat, mink, dog, cat, brown rat.
Its got me puzzled I must confess....

Rabbit kill as found by British Red, on Flickr
From a distance I thought it was fur and faeces
Up close I realise something had neatly eviscerated a rabbit and left a neat, untouched, undamaged pile of guts and a "rear portion"

Rabbit kill intestines by British Red, on Flickr
This is rural Lincs so possible large raptors would include buzzard, kestrel, sparrowhawk (many), marsh harrier (local), barn owl (local), little owl (local). Mammals would certainly include badger, fox, weasel, stoat, mink, dog, cat, brown rat.
Its got me puzzled I must confess....