What’s new…

  • Hobby knifemakers often turn large circular saw blades and industrial bandsaw blades into knives, but even cheap handsaws will make decent enough knives.

  • Way back when I would buy my charcoal in from various woodsmen but after a while, I started to make my own in oil drums, [...]

  • We as bushcrafters do love a nice new “shiny”, and in a similar way to our colonial cousins with there attractions to firearms, we want [...]

  • I spend more than 150 nights a year under canvas in the woods or on expedition running a busy bushcraft school.  It’s important to have [...]

  • OLight S1R Baton 2 Review First Impressions The S1R ('R' stands for their rechargeable product line) comes nicely packaged and when you've released it form [...]

  • Tutorial on fitting a handle to a stick tang knife

BushcraftUK was established in 2000 as a place to meet like minded people and share skills and knowledge.

We continue these same values today through website and ‘Moots’.

Pop in, say hello, and sit by the fire.

Join us at a Moot, sharing skills since 2003


20 Years of skill sharing! The Sumer Moot is two weeks of camping, 5 days of workshops, lots of great company in a beautiful woodland.


Our Winter BushMoot is a Festival of Outdoor Cookery

The idea behind the Winter Moot is that we have a week in the woods with no pressures, it can be a time to relax, a time to practice skills and have a great time. The focus of this Moot is all about cooking-based skills so there is the opportunity to learn, share knowledge, or just do our own thing.

NEW: MindMoot

“I left feeling much better than I arrived. Calmer, more relaxed, more grounded – better.”

“During that time I connected with myself, with a group of other people, and with the world around me more richly than I have for years.”

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