White Oak Quercus alba
beautiful lumber for furniture, very stately specimen tree for large open areas, lot of acorns for food for many different animals
Black Walnut Juglans nigra
popular wood for lumber and gun stocks, squirrels love the nuts and so do I
Wild Black Cherry Prunus serotina
another beautiful lumber for furniture, fruit is an important food for many different birds
Easteran Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana
unique red color wood of any tree in my area, good nesting tree for birds
Blackberries Rubus sp.
blackberry cobbler, what more can I say!
Dogbane Apocynum cannabinum
fibers from this plant make very strong cordage
Milkweed Asclepias sp.
another good cordage plant, leaves are an important food for Monarch Butterfly caterpillars
Butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa
this plant is grown for its beautiful bright orange flowers, it is one of my favorite summer wildflowers
Trillium Trillium sp.
there are many species of this plant in my area, they are some of my favorite early spring wildflowers
Persimmon Diospyros virginiana
fruit ripens in late fall, I like to eat them right off the tree, they also make wonderful persimmon pudding and persimmon cookies, they are eaten by many animals