Your very own tree


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Fot those of you who don't read the Daily Mail there's an offer for you to pay just £5 to pay for the planting of your own tree in one of 5 new woodlands being created through Britain

Woodland Trust - Plant a tree for £5
You can help us create five beautiful, new woods and make a real difference to the future of our islands. Tree planting is vitally important and woodland creation provides a wildlife habitat that helps wildlife prosper and ensures the survival of woodland biodiversity.

The few remaining areas of ancient woodland are the UK's equivalent of the rain forests and are home to more endangered species than any other habitat.

Over recent years, they have been disappearing at an alarming rate - today we have less than half the ancient woodland there was in 1930.

How To Help

Every Daily Mail reader can have a tree planted at one of the five sites across the UK for a donation of just £5.

The designated sites are Heartwood Forest, Hertfordshire; Low Burnhall Farm, County Durham; Cefn Ila, Monmouthshire, Wales; Milton, Perthshire, Scotland; Ervey, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

To donate go to Woodland Trust Shop Daily Mail appeal


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I have planted plenty of trees at college already, hopefully live a long life so i can see them in 40 odd years.

I know what you mean.... I sometimes go back to the various places where I've worked in the past just to check the trees I planted. Some of them are over 30 years old already :)


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