I've done a fair bit of milling over the years for getting nice thick slabs of wood from which to cut turning blanks, using a small alaskan mill.
Not much to it really, pretty straightforwards but it can be quite slow and heavy going. Probably worth using proper ripping chain if the board finish is important to you and that may speed it up a little too.
The bigger the chainsaw the better too !
Wear ear defenders of course and a dust mask is a good idea
Once you are a few feet into the cut pop a couple of wedges in behind you to take the pressure off the chainsaw bar and stop it getting pinched.

Not much to it really, pretty straightforwards but it can be quite slow and heavy going. Probably worth using proper ripping chain if the board finish is important to you and that may speed it up a little too.
The bigger the chainsaw the better too !
Wear ear defenders of course and a dust mask is a good idea