Yeah, that's good too, but it'll ferment and go tangy really quickly, if the mould doesn't get it first it's how we start off the rhubarb for jam making; it pulls the juice.
The boiled syrup lasts long past the strawberries are gone
Colin, that sounds really really tasty....and me trying to stay gluten and dairy free
Glad you think so Mary, a lot of folk say "feeks injected" when I talk about brown-bread Ice-Cream. But it is fantastic. Not my idea I'm afraid, first had it at a now defunct place called "Scot-Herb" yonks ago just outside Errol - near the Cairn O'Mhor winery. Asked them for their recipe it was Sooooo good.
You could just have a wee tiki and let others finish it..........Aye right.