Wild camping in the UK or Europe [ Where can i have fires ]



Hi Guys,

Myself and two friends are planning on going wild camping in the middle of the summer, However during our search we cant really find anywhere that allows fires, we aren't really fussed where we go. it doesn't matter if its in the UK or in Europe. Our main requirement is the ability to free roam, preferably in woods, and to have a fire. The reason for the fire being : we will be using it to cook, and we are planning a trip around 10 days long and don't want to carry 10 gas canisters each.

Thanks :)


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Crazy-Grays, welcome to BCUK, depending on where you were intending going , i have a wild camping site on Dartmoor, if you are planning staying in one place and building your foraging / trapping around the one area .

Anyway if you are interested , take a look under the heading Out And About, " Woodsmoke Warm Up Weekend " There is a video tour of my site ,if it appeals let me know .

Cheers Ivan...

OH yeah , fires not a problem .
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Apr 22, 2011
Tallinn, Estonia

In Estonia you can make a fire if there is no official fire hazard. Provided you clean up after yourself and don't do it in an obviously forbidden place you should have no problems.

Most of our wild trees and plants are the same as in the UK so it will be familliar. More wild animals though, including wolves, bears and moose, but they avoid you. (And the bears are small.)

And everything in our country is cheaper compared to Scandinavia!

Forgot to add that 50% of our country is covered by woodland.

http://rmk.ee/en for more info. (Shameless country-plug.)
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Thanks for the response guys, @Ivan we will definitely be popping over to Dartmoor before we go to try out our new equipment for a few days that sounds awesome. @Jaan We never thought about Estonia it looks really good, we were originally thinking about Norway or Sweden but with so much woodland Estonia looks like the place for us.

Again thanks for your help guys!


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
With a small woodburner, like a honey stove or similar, you can cook with wood without leaving any trace or arousing unwanted attention


Apr 22, 2011
Tallinn, Estonia
A bit more about Estonia:

We have almost what Sweden, Norway and Finland have, but it's more accessible (explained afterwards) here.

1. Everyman's right - you can go where you want and camp where you want. You can cross simple fences and walk on private land, if you don't damage it. You can generally make a fire anywhere. Of course the official guidelines say that "only make a fire where intended to do so" but there's a long story before that how to make a place appropriate for firemaking. :) Nobody I've ever known has gotten a fine for making fire in the woods, on the beach or wherever.
You can also pick berries, mushrooms and other edibles from wherever.
2. Our State Forest Management Centre manages 5 national parks, 13 recreation areas, 40 other protected sites and hundreds and hundreds of official trails with information available online. Everything is accessible for everyone. There are also forest cabins (you need to pre-book) and other countless camping sites where you have a toilet, a woodshed, a fireplace and a couple of chairs.
3. Our nature is similar to the UK. More broad-leaf and mixed forests than in northern Sweden and Finland. Less metropolitan areas and towns than in Scandinavia. Only our capital and it's surroundings are very densely populated and even so there are animals and woods all around. I live 15km from the capital and see moose, fox, rabbit and roe deer tracks every week.
I have bought numerous UK bushcraft books and can recognize almost all the species. Very few plants can not be found here that I've read about in UK-specific books.
4. Cheaper compared to neighbours - This can be argued now that we have the Euro, but I still think we're cheaper. I've also lived in Denmark for 2 years and the prices there were nearly double of ours. Then again maybe our public transportation is not that good.
5. Islands! - We have 1520 islands, most uninhabited and accessible via everyman's right. Rent a boat, play island survival. :)
6. Developed IT sector - Aside from everyday benefits like mobile reception and internet available everywhere (even in remote places), e-elections, mobile parking and so forth you can for example buy a 1-day fishing permit via SMS which costs like 1,6€. Very convinient.

For further references, PM me, I can show pictures and talk about specifics. I also have about 40 days of vacation still available this year and would be happy to show anyone around. :)


This sounds amazing, especially the islands, however do they rent boats to just anyone or do you need previous experience . Also how would we go about getting fresh water without separating the salt from surrounding sea water.


Apr 22, 2011
Tallinn, Estonia
This sounds amazing, especially the islands, however do they rent boats to just anyone or do you need previous experience . Also how would we go about getting fresh water without separating the salt from surrounding sea water.

I think with the bigger boats you probably have to know what you're doing. But a lot of small islands are so close to the shore you can row there in beautiful weather in an hour or two. That requires no permit. There are also boat rentals where someone can take you and pick you up later. As for water - going with a boat eliminates the need to carry it there in your backpack so taking more would be easier. There are also islands with only 1-2 houses where you could camp and be pretty remote, but also go and ask to use the well.

I remember from my childhood that we actually walked to one of the small islands one summer when the water was low.

Best bet for islands is "Väinameri", the sea on our west coast between 4 biggest islands - Hiiumaa, Vormsi, Saaremaa and Muhu. Also around the islands themselves. The sea is very shallow there and as kids we could walk 1km from the shore and it would never get deep enough to not be able to touch our feet on the bottom.


Hi Ivan

Just wondering how many acres does your land cover?



Jaan, This sounds very good i will definitely be looking into this. thanks again for your help!


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Crazy , hope i can call you that , saves typing ! The actual area reserved just for Bushcraft/Wildcamping is 12 acres , but we are the only landowner for miles with open access to 368 square miles of Dartmoor National Park .

It has it's own water supply ( tested twice a year ) running through the middle of it , loads of wildlife including Roe deer , rabbits , squirrels , countless species of birds etc etc .

I f you come and stay , you will not be disturbed by dog walkers , ramblers etc , no noise or light pollution , and if you want to hunt and forage you can at your leisure .

Did you watch the vid ? There are loads of other films and photos, under the meetups and gatherings heading , south west , anything with the words Dartmoor or Ivan in the titles are down to me , have a mooch , be warned there's loads of it !!

Oh yeah , safe and secure parking , firewood/kindling included in the price , also heavy equipment if you require , all sizes of pots,kettles , pans, dutch ovens, chairs tables , somewhere to lock your gear away if you want to explore etc etc.

Dont worry its not a family camp site , its just some people prefer some home comforts , and they can be provided.

Hope that helps Ivan...


Hi Ivan

Yeah you can call me crazy, this sounds really good, however, when you say "included in the price" does this mean you charge for the use of your land, and if so how much ?



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Yeah Crazy , I think unless you find a very friendly farmer ! or stealth camp you won't find anywhere that doesn't charge . Anyway my charges are £5.00 Per head per night , its not a business , the cost doen't even cover the cost of maintenance , firewood/kindling , water testing £220.00 per year now ! tidying up , litter removal etc etc .In fact most places charge extra for firewood or bring your own , lots don't have water , safe parking and not many places i know literally open the gate and you are on Dartmoor .

Apologies if i seem to have led you astray , you have the luxury of having my place totally to yourself ( depending on dates chosen ) or you can have escorted walks , and as i have stated any heavy items if required. Also the back up of a building for emergency , the weather turning real nasty ( as it can up here ) etc etc .

Atb Ivan...


Oh well £5 is practically free especially for the parking that's no problem. However, about the firewood part of the intended experience for us, is the act of finding suitable wood to light a fire in a natural environment and in natural conditions, how do you feel about this.

Rest assured we will not be cutting any living trees, will we exclusively only use dead branches or trees ect.

just to clarify, we basically only want to find wood to light our fire(just to practice our abilities and enrich our experience), after that we are happy to use any provided wood.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Sorry Crazy , had to shoot off , Yeah no problem , if you guys select an area of the wood that is not used by everyone for meetsand gatherings etc , you would be welcome to practice your skills , everyone wants something different from the experience. So as you have already picked up on the main one ( no live trees , or branches to be cut ) come and have a look , oh yeah my other pet hates are GLASS ! No likey in the woods , and where you pooh ! there is a woodland drop , but if you boys are coming for the real escape , one site bury , burn loo roll , and cross sticks to mark the spot .

Any other questions please ask



That's brilliant, we have been brought up being taught to respect the outdoors so you can rest assured that we will not leave anything behind and we will defiantly not be bringing anything made of glass.
Now that we have found you we may well turn up early into the summer. We are currently at university in Plymouth doing our final year and we are very keen wild campers and as you may know finding places in England to wild camp with few restrictions is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Thank you for letting us know your there, can you always be contacted on this forum?

Thanks again


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.