I'm off next week for a weeks canoeing on the west coast of Scotland. My problem, as usual, is what to take and what to leave behind. I have been told by my wife I can only take two books. If this were you which two books would you take?
falcon said:Something by Sigurd Olsen.....
Chris Yates is a superb writer, I loved reading Casting at the sun....big_daddy_merc said:the first book that i always take camping is my Bible( always one in my pack), the second would be a hard choice, i think at the minute it would have to be " how to fish " by Chris Yates, it's more about the fishing than the fish if that makes any sense, you know setting the picture of an early morning mist rising from the pond , the call of song birds that kind of thing, a bit like a passion for angling in book form
arjuna said:the baghawat gita and larry bond