Having refreshed my memory by rereading the page below, it seems that the higher linolenic acid content is a result of the latitude at which the flax plant is grown and not a product of the cold pressing. Although, something may have been lost in the translation from Swedish to English.
Scroll down to the English section of this page:
I use the Linolja brand and specifically the sun bleached type. The claim that the sun bleaching pre-polymerises the oil, seems to be a true one, although the oil is a raw type it dries remarkably quickly on wood that has been soaked in the oil, and by quickly I mean weeks rather than months, to achieve what appears to be, to my untrained eye, a fully oxidized film.
Ive got no info on the brands of linseed oil that are commonly available in the DIY stores, at this time, Robin.
Kind regards,
PS: Are you lurking chem_doc, we need you?