Where do you carve?


Feb 21, 2010
Rupert's Land
For those of you that carve, where do you usually do it? I'm really more of a whittler than a carver, as carving takes skill while whittling is more of a playing with my knife kinda thing that may or may not result in something usable or recognizable when I'm finished.;)

Comfort is important for doing either I think and to that end I recently took a piece of light canvas salvaged from an old tent and ended up with a piece about 4' x 3'. No set dimensions- it's what was left so that's what I used. All I did was to put a hem all around so it wouldn't unravel over time but it's not at all necessary.

To use it is quite simple. I first plunk myself down in my favourite reclining chair, getting the amount of recline 'just right' for the utmost in comfort.:D
I then take the piece of canvas and drape it over myself, covering part of my legs, up to my chest, and the arms of the chair.
And there you have it, no muss or fuss, I can carve/whittle to my hearts content without making a mess, all the while watching tv and just plain relaxing while getting to use whatever knife I wish, all in extreme comfort. Being lazy sure is a lot of work!:(
The only problem is to make sure you have everything else you may need close to hand- ashtray & smokes- drink of choice -(bandaids maybe):yikes: etc or you might have to prevail upon your other half to bring anything you've forgotten, as once settled comfortably it's a horrible inconvenience to have to move;)

When finished for the evening , I carefully fold the canvas to contain all the bits and pieces and then go shake it out outside.
Ready again till the next session!
So, what's your method?
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i really like the idea of having a protective cover to allow interior carving and may well try and adapt it for myself.
at the moment any whittling or carving is done sat in the garden of my parents or at my regular campsite, This is in part due to a lack of space at the flat we live in, after this weekend it could change to carving in my garden as we move on saturday.
if i can get away with carving indoors i am going to do that but somehow i doubt it :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2008
I sit on the step from the dining room and whittle so the shavings hit the kitchen floor. Drink by my side and the stereo or dab on and it's happy days. Quick sweep when I'm done and the shavings go to the fireplace for tinder...

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
In the sitting room, a quick Hoover and its cleaned. But my favorite place at the month is in the garage as all my odd little tools are there, its a bit of mess at the moment but once tidy I sum to build a nice work table too as my current work bench is made from the top half of a pine wardrobe frame.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
At my desk in my study is where I do my whitterling at the moment. Its realtivily comfy and have my PC for music, tv, movies etc plus the web so I can read up on ideas and look at techniques other people use.

As my study is next to my girls room I don't hover up after myself every evening as I dont want to wake them, picking up wood shavings out of a carpet is not fun. SWMBO is not best pleased if I leave to many wood shavings on the floor :p

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Front room. Craft should be part of everyday life and part of family life not something you have to sneak off and do int he shed. Shavings on the carpet can be swept up, quick hoover and it's cleaner than when I started.


Nov 6, 2010
"I can carve/whittle to my hearts content without making a mess, all the while watching tv" !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like a recipe for spilling some blood! I do mine indoors,then quick vacum. outside when weather is nice.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
At my desk in my study is where I do my whitterling at the moment. Its realtivily comfy and have my PC for music, tv, movies etc plus the web so I can read up on ideas and look at techniques other people use.

As my study is next to my girls room I don't hover up after myself every evening as I dont want to wake them, picking up wood shavings out of a carpet is not fun. SWMBO is not best pleased if I leave to many wood shavings on the floor :p

I do the same but have an old large beach towel on the floor in front of me. The beach towel catches most of the shavings and the others are cleared out the next day. The problem i find is no matter how tidy i try to be the shavings still manage to migrate around the house


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I do the same but have an old large beach towel on the floor in front of me. The beach towel catches most of the shavings and the others are cleared out the next day. The problem i find is no matter how tidy i try to be the shavings still manage to migrate around the house

Thats a good idea, think will have to dig an old towel out and use that.


Apr 15, 2010
If at home I sit in my armchair in the front room, I use an old single sheet over me and then spread out on the floor in front catches all but the most airborne of chips but if the weather is nice i sit in the garden next to my firepit with a nice fire going

paul atkin

Dec 15, 2010
mainly in the shed for me unless i am away doing demos. Although it is comfy shed;enough room for company complete with comfy chair and a beer fridge and no need to clean up when youre done for the night.


Aug 11, 2010
North West
I slap a pillow down on the floor next to my sofa in front room, another pillow for back rest, sit down on the floor, use a kevlar glove and whittle away all night. Once Im done its a simple 5 minute sweep jobbie (advantage of a wooden floor)

Its nice to be whittling away while watching a bit of telly, with a brew.

I cannot get into the swing of things whittling while camping as sometimes the light is poor, got better things to do, and some some strange strange reason I prefer to whittle dry wood (Im going crazy!)
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Dec 3, 2010
anywhere!well:in the woods when it is required and i need some piece of wood carved to make a peg or whatever,then some times in the workshop,or more comfy in the living room when it is light enough to be carried there...


Jun 6, 2010
in the lounge on the sofa whilst she watches crap on tv, in the woods at the weekends,,and i usualy whittle something whilst walking the dog...
iv even been known to whittle something whilst sat in the beer garden at my local. also at work.
iv always got a knife on me so when i see a piece of wood i cant help myself.


Life Member
Oct 19, 2006
Her Ladyship takes exception to the chippings in the carpet so, if I'm good, I get to use the kitchen (warm range, radio, hot drinks and so on - and a hard floor) but generally, I actually prefer to carve outdoors - the back yard, the woods, wherever - simply because I like the sound of the world continuing as normal going on around me and the fresh air.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.