When nature calls, and mosquitos call too...

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Um, I can't imagine wanting to spend more time. The coldest I've 'been' outside was -19C. Cycling home, the cold had inevitable effect filling my bladder. By the time I'd finished peeing, my genitals were shrunken and blue. I really would not have cared if the 'last drop had ended up in my trousers' as Janne put it. I was more concerned with avoiding real, possible frostbite (particularly given I was about to get back on a bike and subject myself to increased wind chill).
An insulated 'he-wee' would have been quite useful, thank you.

Wait for -50 C...
Does anyone here have a recipe for an effective natural homemade insect repellent ?

Getting chewed up a bit very recently now the warm weather's back, and not mad keen on using DEET.

Personally it think different makes/brands/concoctions work differently for different people....From a shop bought point of view 'ultrathon' works great for me and is not one of the most expensive (especially when Home Bargains sell it off at the 'end of season' at silly cheap prices) however, I know several people that find it no use at all and it also contains Deet which you say you do not like the idea of.......For the most part I use my own home made stuff most of the time, unless I am going somewhere I know is definitely going to be swarming with beasties then I use the Deet. I realise that looks as if I don't trust my own stuff but that is not true, I believe my mix will work for me where as I knowthe Deet stuff will and since being bitten can spoil a holiday/trip I figure why gamble........For my own mix I use Lemon Balm, Apple Mint and Yarrow made up into a balm or cream, ( the Yarrow seems to help in the event I do get bit and also helps for other scratches nicks and cuts/grazes). This is not to say it will work for everyone (or is even safe for everyone) but it is homemade and effective for me which is what you asked for. Plus it smells nice.

Does anyone here have a recipe for an effective natural homemade insect repellent ?

Getting chewed up a bit very recently now the warm weather's back, and not mad keen on using DEET.


A 50/50 mix of liquid tar and fat ( lanolin is best) thoroughly mixed.

Or you can do what the old Finns did: Drink loads and loads of Vodka ( Koskenkorva is best) then when you ferl sick and start sweating, dust yourself with fine sand.

The Mosquitos land on you, get drunk and start throwing stones at each other....
Lucky us 1st nations are immune to the effects of most biting insects.

So to are most folk who live up here for a while. Your body will get used to it and stop your itching after living outside for a while. Meanwhile...........try the 50/50 mix of tar and fat.
I am a first nation yorkshireman, we are immune to insects, sunlight, any infectious disease, and our own pomposity. But if you are not so fortunate, lavender is a natural insect repellant, as is citronella oil.
Or smear yourself in yorshire pudding batter and jump in the fire, this is supposed to work but no one, not even a Yorkshireman, has ever lived to tell the tale !
Pain is perceived in the brain, so if you do not have one you do not feel any, Citronella or not.
Of course, citronella is quite efficient in removing the smell of BS, which you have a lot of in Yorkshire? I recall James Herriot treated lots of that?
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I am a first nation yorkshireman, we are immune to insects, sunlight, any infectious disease, and our own pomposity. But if you are not so fortunate, lavender is a natural insect repellant, as is citronella oil.
Or smear yourself in yorshire pudding batter and jump in the fire, this is supposed to work but no one, not even a Yorkshireman, has ever lived to tell the tale !

I liked the Yorkshire puddings I had when we stayed in yorkshire. The beef was Ok too. ...
A few drops of citronella essential oil in a spray bottle with some water, spray that on your butt cheeks and that should get rid of the blighters :D
All very informative chapesses and chaps! - quite genuinely I now have a whole number of experiments to trial to avoid my next bum-sucking - thank you


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