What the Future Human Will look Like


Jul 24, 2008
Evolution has made some incredible changes to animal life over millions of years, animals have lost or gained various attributes by evolution through particular need. Limbs have become wings or fins (or is it the other way round), or been lost altogether, some animals have developed camouflage to outwit predators while some have developed great speed for the same purpose and some have developed even greater speed to catch them as prey, some have lost eyesight through living in perpetual dark and some have developed the ability to hibernate, there are thousands of examples of animals changing form through evolution. That thought makes me ponder how the human being may change through evolution if the species is fortunate to still be around in few more million years, what would they gain or lose. Evolution is probably linked to survival of the fittest, still applicable to animal life but survival of the fittest no longer applies to human life, with huge advances in science and health we can now keep people alive who would have certainly died only a mere hundred years ago, with human life survival of the fittest has been replaced by a new modern phenomenon called survival of the wealthiest where money pays for the best and most advanced forms of healthcare. Therefore as survival of the fittest no longer applies to human life we may have reached our peak and begin to actually go backwards, characteristics which would have died out through natural selection and illness will persist instead and propagate further. So what might the future human being look like with evolution, they would need at least one finger for the ever increasing need to push buttons and also a pincer like grip with two digits to hold a cursor or electric plug, all other digits may be lost through non use, legs would shorten over time and only be long enough to allow them to shuffle to the toilet, their bottom may become a hard pad for protection through constant use similar to dogs paws, of the five senses they would retain eyesight and feel as needed to view and access computer screens, hearing would be retained as communication would be by ‘pings’ only from emails but taste and smell would be lost, they would retain holes to dispose of waste fluids and solids and there would be an immense amount of such because their new digestive system will have to cope with vast quantities of junk food, they will retain their sexual organs as their use will be their sole type of entertainment and because of that they will reproduce at an astonishing rate. Come to think of it there are some people like that already.


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