What leather should I buy?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Le prevo do such a confusing variety....

What do I ask for?

I just want the standard 3mm veg tanned.


Mar 26, 2007
If you aren't certain and want to see some, they will usually send you out a few small samples (a couple of square inches). I've gradually accumulated samples of all their standard leathers, though they might baulk at sending you all of these in one go.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
If you aren't certain and want to see some, they will usually send you out a few small samples (a couple of square inches). I've gradually accumulated samples of all their standard leathers, though they might baulk at sending you all of these in one go.


Doh! - why didn't I think of that? - its a nervous finger that presses send on the order for a shoulder or side of something new isn't it!


Feb 27, 2005
Saudi Arabia
Have you tried phoning them up?
As I understand it, they are only too happy to explain what you need if you tell them what you want to make.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
I was in LePrevo yesterday and we had a good chat about the number of people from here phoning them and asking advice about projects they are doing. Honest, they are all leatherworkers themselves and are more than happy to give honest impartial advice. Jez Hunt is probably the best guy to ask about what you'll need if you tell him what you are making. He'll even go and search the stuff that isn't listed on the website and has often found leather that is on special offer, or stuff that they got in by chance and can't be got again (so it's not worth puting up on the site). He can also sort your order out on the spot, take your credit/debit card details over the phone and have it in the post for you that evening. If you do contact him (or Ben if Jez isn't there) tell him you are a friend of Eric (you won't get it cheaper, but he'll know where you are coming from).
Here is Jez's website so you can see you'll be dealing with a pro.


Jez Hunt

New Member
Oct 1, 2011
Yep i work at LePrevo... If ye want advice on leather (or leatherworking of any sort) feel free to call or email us...
If ye do call, you can always ask for me if ye want, and i will always try and get back to ye as quick as possible to ye, although we sometimes get swamped with shop customers or crazy big mail order stuff (film orders and the like) so it may take a bit of time! Everyone who works there is a leatherworker though so whoever ye get on the phone should be able to help ye!
Wish we did send an order out on the day it came in... unfortunately we get 30 - 40 orders a day (and we only have 4 full time and 1 part time staff memebers including me) so it takes a bit of time to get the orders together, invoice, pack and post them but we always send them out as quick as we can. Quickest way to get an order out to ye is if ye place it by email or the (confusing) online order form, then give us a call with ye card details. We'll try n get it off within 7 working days, phone orders can be 10 days so send ye order in a written form. To be honest they normally go out pretty soon after they come in, but ye know what its like!
That said you can call with any queries at all, and then pop an email order in after! ;) We're always happy to send out samples too!

That said, generally any NATURAL VEG TAN leather over 2mm (3mm) is best for knife sheaths... out of our standard line stuff 026 and 028 is good, but not cheapest leather. 049 and 090 are both pretty good and cheaper, but are a grade 2 so ye have to work around imperfections and holes...
On the SPECIAL OFFER LIST at the mo there are some Sego shoulders (dont recall the codenumber) and they are really good for the price, they are a veg tan that the fat of the animal has been forced back into the skin (really old tanning method) resulting in a leather thats great for tooling and wet moulding, and the fat acts as a bit of a resist for dying it so its much more even... its a great leather!
If ye only need a small ammount we can always cut a wide strap ( code B004) of whatever width ye need... at least 44 inches long too, so ye can get 3 or so sheaths out of that!
Hope thats of some help!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Cheers Jez, appreciate the input.
Note: Mods, I hope you don't view this as advertising. It's more like information as requested by the original poster. I just thought I'd get it from the source.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Thanks very much. But I have never got used to those things you talk into; I have heard that you can talk to people all over the world; but they always sound like they are right next to you...How is that arranged, I wonder?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Jeez Tengu, we're here trying to help you - but you don't make it easy for us, do you? Just pick up the freakin' telephone and make the call!
Jez is a big scarey looking guy but he doesn't bite (unless it's a full moon - don't call on a full moon).


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.