Close enough.Carl Gustav dates you to my time in the mid 70’s

Close enough.Carl Gustav dates you to my time in the mid 70’s
Making sure the backpack is balanced is really important, both for comfort and for your back and joints.Most recently, I had my tent on one side and a rocket pouch with water and weighted stuff the other to balance it all out, sleep stuff again, first in really... seemed to work well.
My platoon were sent on a training course to learn about grenades on the grenade training range, which was an interesting and quite frightening structure dating from the turn of the century. Deep ditches either side of the walkways just in case you messed up with your live throwing.Close enough.The thing is apparently still around and kicking.
Sometimes it just takes a minor adaptation to your hobbies or your home to make you that guy with his 2 wheel frame trailer..what did it look like? I work with older people and I could suggest a piece of equipment like that so they can go hikingIf you are prepared to carry it. you can take it.
On my Ridgeway walk, my pack was about 18kg, and that was everything for 5 days unaided wild camping.
None of this "my pack is 8kg, oh but thats not food or water"
5 days food, Breakfast, Lunch, Evening meal and snacks.
2L of water
Camera / tripod and batteries.
It was on the heavy side but I used everything I took over the 5 days.
I have looked and bought new kit to shed some weight off my multi day gear, its was about £100 for every KG dropped for ultra lightweight camping gear ish...
I also bought a helinox chair, walking 22 miles and sitting on the floor to eat your food and locking up was not nice lol.
Just find what works for you, after day 2 you will have some idea of what you need at certain times. its practice and personal preference,
Along the trip I bumped into a gentleman coming the other way, he was pulling his gear on a 2 wheel frame trailer, due to injury he couldn't carry a pack so he pulled it behind him.
stiles and unopen gates slowed him down, be he was out there doing it.
Im sure it was something like this, if you search for hiking trailers a few different types come up.Sometimes it just takes a minor adaptation to your hobbies or your home to make you that guy with his 2 wheel frame trailer..what did it look like? I work with older people and I could suggest a piece of equipment like that so they can go hiking