What first aid course?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I did my first aid badge whilst I was a Scout many, many moons ago and after reading a few threads on here I really want to take a first aid course but not sure which one and I am a little put off by the cost of the courses. £66 inc VAT may not seem like a lot to learn a skill wich might save a life but its a lot for a single income family. It makes me feel guilty that I'm putting the price as a reason not learn first aid. You should not put a value on a skill which could save someones life.

I have had a look at the St Johns Ambulance courses ( I was very moved by the main page, mouse over the people and have a read) but not sure how much first aid I need to know.

I have asked at work about becoming a first aider but this got poopooed as its a very large company and already have people who are trained.

Do places like St Johns or others give discount to groups doing the courses as it might be possible to gather a few of us from a local area and all take the course.


Jan 27, 2011
No longer active on BCUK
St John's Ambulance are pretty good. I re-did mine for Scout leadership recently and it reminded me how important it is to have a bit of knowledge. I reckon the money is worth it as you've only got to be round a family emergency once for it to be useful - what price could any of us put on that?
Oct 5, 2009
I did mine at High Peak First Aid - price is on-par with the one you quoted but they also do a lot of outdoor and wilderness first aid. IMHO Nichola's an excellent tutor and there's plenty of opportunity to get outside and practice in 'real' conditions.


Jun 18, 2009
if you rejoined Scouting as a leader, they'd teach you for free! :p

I'm sure local St Johns and Red Cross regularly do free "basic courses". If you can get a few people together you might have some luck.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Did my Wilderness First Aid with Wayne at Forest Knights and have since done two subsequent courses with the St John's


Apr 27, 2005
Check out the Red Cross.

They used to do a Public First Aid course, which was the same course but you do not get the At Work certificate.

They also were always cheaper than the St John's.

You could join either and they will train you. You will get exposed to stuff you would not see otherwise, but check out the hours etc you have to give. One big thing they will train you but I know the Red Cross went NVQ so it became a sort of yearly rolling course i.e. you practice each year to keep it up. Much better way to do it, but it can take a year to get the cert.


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