Welsh lurve spoon and a scottish one with a twist

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
Anyone carve love spoons? A traditional Welsh type.
and a Scottish style one with a twist of lime.

Useless pictures by means of 0.2 pixel camera:D


Mar 2, 2009
WOW you have some serious skills Bob those are just lovely and way beyond my talent and tool level as of right now. Though hope to some time in the near future

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
Those are really good, how long did they take roughly?
Probably about 4 hours each one. These ones were made out of a well seasoned bit of Lime from the log pile which, whilst being great to carve is also pretty hard. It took a fair while to sand out the knife marks with 120g paper. Green lime is much easier.
As with most things they are much easier to make than they look. If you can carve out a spoon bowl the rest is easy.
They were carved with an FYGT spoon knife, an Enzo pk70 and a spyderco Kiwi.
You CAN carve with a slipjoint.:)
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
They put my 'hacked vaguely into shape and then sanded' efforts well into the shade.


I heard he sold his soul and this is obviously the thing he chose to be good at. Damn those look great!! Saved the pic for inspiration... or when I have aspirations that I might be getting good at spoon carving, I'll look at these and reasess my results.

VERY well done that man. :notworthy

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
Hi everyone,
Bushwacker bob, your love spoons are top notch,Do you mark them out before carving.Or do you use the squint of eye and rack of gob method?The spiral on the scottish one is superb.
Regards Chris.
No. I usually start by carving a spoon bowl and work up the handle from there. These are probably about the 9th and 10th spoons I have carved and the 1st love spoons. Once I have found out I can do something I tend not to bother and move along to learn how to do something else.
The twist is easy to do. Carve a strait round section of wood, the length you want to twist. Start in the middle of the bowl and scribe a spiral line that roughly ends at the centre point of the back of the spoon. Then do the same line from the back of the bowl for one spiral to the front of the spoon. once you have your scribed lines you keep widening them until they meet up at the apexs's. If you cut through the 'ribbon ' you end up with the spirals on the Welsh ones.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2008
Probably about 4 hours each one. These ones were made out of a well seasoned bit of Lime from the log pile which, whilst being great to carve is also pretty hard. It took a fair while to sand out the knife marks with 120g paper. Green lime is much easier.
As with most things they are much easier to make than they look. If you can carve out a spoon bowl the rest is easy.
They were carved with an FYGT spoon knife, an Enzo pk70 and a spyderco Kiwi.
You CAN carve with a slipjoint.:)

Nice one. 4 hours is really good going for those I'd say. I normally believe the easier than it looks thing but they really are good examples of love spoons. Great work there fella!


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Hey bob I have to say that the first ten seconds I looked at his page after opening the thread, my mouth was open.
Amazing and marvelous spoons you made there, I would love to get a closer look at them/ get some details about how you made the twist and the open hearts, did you just do it on feel or did you plan it and mark it in anyway?
Yours sincerely an admiring Ruud


Full Member
Jan 11, 2011
Beautiful work BB
The lime looks stunning , I must try and get some
different woods as I seem to be hung up on bog oak and sycamore.
Cheers, Simon


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
No. I usually start by carving a spoon bowl and work up the handle from there. These are probably about the 9th and 10th spoons I have carved and the 1st love spoons. Once I have found out I can do something I tend not to bother and move along to learn how to do something else.
The twist is easy to do. Carve a strait round section of wood, the length you want to twist. Start in the middle of the bowl and scribe a spiral line that roughly ends at the centre point of the back of the spoon. Then do the same line from the back of the bowl for one spiral to the front of the spoon. once you have your scribed lines you keep widening them until they meet up at the apexs's. If you cut through the 'ribbon ' you end up with the spirals on the Welsh ones.

Oh yeah, easy, just as you say. :rolleyes:

Yeah right. I just cut myself carving a straight handle. I've leave the fancy stuff to people with actual skill.


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