Watkin's Last Expedition


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
These chaps were mapping Greenland at the time.

Watkin’s Last Expedition

F. Spencer Chapman
Penguin Books
1938 Edition
Page 241

"May 21st. Lay up.

What a spot! Looks worse than every now, but the wind has dropped. It was my birthday the other day so I have brought all the wherewithal to make a cake. I took a cupful of flour and a teaspoonful of baking powder and then rubbed a lump of butter into it, added a pinch of salt and a large handful of raisins, mixed it all up into a paste and then put into a butter tin which I stood on three screws inside one of our cooking pots. With the lid on this makes a grand oven and the cake was quite up to standard after an hour and a half’s baking over the Primus, although John found a trouser button in his half, not to mention the usual plague of hairs from the reindeer skins."

I love reads like these.


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