Water filters. Which do you recommend for long term use?

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
Well I've saved and bought the gravity works. As we had the covid lockdown soon after I I originally posted this, and the trip we had planned never went ahead, I left it a while to get one.
With the gates of lockdown creaking open a crack, and having had the first jab, I'm I'm hoping that things will be able to happen as planned, but later in the year,or early next .


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 19, 2018
I left my Gravity Works unused for a year whilst I was away.

When I got back, I found that gravity didn't work. So, I tried back-flushing. I tried squeezing water through. I tried blowing through it. Nothing. Not a drip. I got pretty peeved and, in a bit of a temper, put it by the bin.

About a week later, I decided that rather than chuck it, I'd attach it to the full dirty bag and just leave it to see what would happen. After an hour or so there was a few mls in a glass. After two hours, a tiny bit more. Then, out of frustration more than anything, I shook and shook the filter. All these bubbles came out. So, I left it and it dripped, only slightly faster this time ... but still more like melting tar than a spring torrent.

So, I gave it a few more taps and another good old shake. Did a bit of back-flushing by putting some water in the clean bag and lifting the it above the the dirty bag. More air! There was a marginal yet noticeable improvement in flow too.

Then, after a few more hours of this monkeying about, I filled the dirty bag right up and hooked it as far up as I could and put the clean bag on the floor. And, I left it.

Expecting it to take another hour or so to do very little, when I went back into the kitchen for a cuppa a few minutes later, I was surprised to find that the dirty bag had completely emptied itself. Filter Fixed! :)

It was then that a realized that I hadn't emptied the clean bag of water, and that I had about a litre of water on the floor to mop up.

Well, the floor needed a scrub anyway.

After that, I unplugged the filter from the tubes, plugged it back in the other way round and ran two litres through it in reverse. After which, it was good as gold.

I think I will just use it more often in order to avoid this palaver in the future.
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