Aye Up,
Some may recall the post that I made on the BRS wood burner earlier in the year.
I've been using it almost exclusively two or three times per week since January (50+ times) and I have to say that it is proving very reliable.
(Be careful of practically identical copies at almost half the price though - Bad Amazon experience with second stove - not 'BRS' marked!).
I've gone through several sets of batteries but only because I have used the stove for things in addition to 'just' boiling water.
One of those things was the trial production of home made charcoal (in the field) with a view to having a more discreetly burning fuel for my future outings. In the shown set up it took a couple of hours to turn the baton'd larch deadwood into charcoal. Reeesult.

On that next outing I used the charcoal as fuel instead of deadwood. Result - minimal smoke, a quicker boil and less run-time of the stove, theoretically therefore less use of the batteries. But..............................
Aaaargh! The charcoal burned so hot with the stove on full fan that it melted holes in the boil in the bag meal bag in the water and contaminated the boil water that I usually use for my brew-water (still did - ever had cauliflower-curry-soup flavoured coffee?

Yes, I use a titanium cookset and yes - I know that they can suffer from 'hot-spots' but I haven't experienced this pierced boil bag with the fan on full tilt whilst using freshly baton'd deadwood.
But that led me to discover that with charcoal once the boil is achieved (with the bag in the water) I can run the stove on low fan setting and keep a steady, constant 'low' boil for the full ten minutes that I usually heat the meal up for as opposed to the periodical fuel resups necessitating full fan for a while. Reeesult after all.
Some may recall the post that I made on the BRS wood burner earlier in the year.
I've been using it almost exclusively two or three times per week since January (50+ times) and I have to say that it is proving very reliable.
(Be careful of practically identical copies at almost half the price though - Bad Amazon experience with second stove - not 'BRS' marked!).
I've gone through several sets of batteries but only because I have used the stove for things in addition to 'just' boiling water.
One of those things was the trial production of home made charcoal (in the field) with a view to having a more discreetly burning fuel for my future outings. In the shown set up it took a couple of hours to turn the baton'd larch deadwood into charcoal. Reeesult.

On that next outing I used the charcoal as fuel instead of deadwood. Result - minimal smoke, a quicker boil and less run-time of the stove, theoretically therefore less use of the batteries. But..............................
Aaaargh! The charcoal burned so hot with the stove on full fan that it melted holes in the boil in the bag meal bag in the water and contaminated the boil water that I usually use for my brew-water (still did - ever had cauliflower-curry-soup flavoured coffee?

Yes, I use a titanium cookset and yes - I know that they can suffer from 'hot-spots' but I haven't experienced this pierced boil bag with the fan on full tilt whilst using freshly baton'd deadwood.
But that led me to discover that with charcoal once the boil is achieved (with the bag in the water) I can run the stove on low fan setting and keep a steady, constant 'low' boil for the full ten minutes that I usually heat the meal up for as opposed to the periodical fuel resups necessitating full fan for a while. Reeesult after all.