Wanted - Leather Stamping tools.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
Hi there,

I was just wondering if there are any members who have leather stamping tools that they are willing to part with. I will quite happily pay for them if the price is right!;)

I'm not so much interested in letters or numbers, but things like leaf patterns would be great.

Thanks and Seasons Greetings!:)

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Just giving this thread a little bump!:D

hey Greg, this probably isn't going to be much use beyond bringing your thread back to life but I've just come back from Le Prevo in Newcastle( dont get in very often) I hadn't realised before but they actually have a second hand stamps box.

I had a scratch through and came away with 4 at £2.50 each-not bad, as apart from a bit of mushrooming from someone using a proper hammer on them instead of a mallet, they are fine. I think they are normally £4 so I was pleased as punch:D :rolleyes:

quick drum roll-clash of cymbal- Ayye thenkyoo!

Anyway I dont know if they do the second hand stamps mail order but hopefully some one might be able to sort you out.

( oh dear-"pleased as punch:dunno: )

Kind regards


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