Wanted- Herpetofauna workers manual


Life Member
Had to look that up :eek: I did a google there's a few sites that seem to sell it for around the £20 mark, although some say its out of print, I presume you've already searched. I also looked the word up at Abe books :eek: blo...eh good grief some first editions are expensive aren't they !

Hope you are successful

Bxxxxr! Thought I had an offer there! Yeagh sure I know where I can buy it new but being ecofriendly and all that thought I'd try and get a secondhand one.

As for daft prices i think you may have been looking at the wrong book or someone has made a mistake, first editions are £19 and still available in lots of places.

I need one desperatley as a point of reference for some surveying I'm doing.


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