
Insel Affen

Aug 27, 2014
Tewkesbury, N Gloucestershire
Walts are airsoft boys who want to look like soldiers carrying rifles etc and playing at trying to shoot each other. There are no walts on here.

I always thought a Walt was one who was trying to say he was military when he wasn't - usually someone saying he was on the balcony in Princess Gate...he wasn't as I didn't see him there (ha ha).

A modification of this is Bloating. This is where they have served, but instead of the man who runs the p*ssed mattress store, he's lead pathfinder for the assault into N Korea.

Any way. I think Smoggy was right, there are all sorts on here and they go form someone who wear combats all day through those who buy the newst kit to those who just want to weave their own underarm hair. My three penneth - read what you think is good, ignore what you don't like and nothing beats personal experience.
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