VW Find!


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Thought this might interest some of you here - enjoy it! :)



Jun 5, 2014
An idea that should be revived, I never new about this, thanks for posting.

Modern car structural loadings may have to be re-evaluated, I'm not sure what the DOT or vehicle and use regulations would make of it.

Nonetheless, I love the concept.


Full Member
May 26, 2015
The concept is great for vehicles that suit that type of trailer, but I still don't think you can beat the teardrop trailer.

There are some excellent designs out there for the teardrop (the Dandy being one of the best, personal preference) and they can be hitched to everything from a motorbike to a truck... a van will tow these things and they're a sleeping area, a kitchen and a living space, all in one. They're a great way to take yourself outdoors without towing a caravan... thats the blunt of it.

I've been an advocate for the teardrop for years, I've designed models based on the classics that combine the benefits, but it takes a lot from anyone to appreciate that this is probably the most accessible option to the outdoors that we have.

A caravan is one thing, it contains a bathroom, a kitchen, a bedroom and a lounge.... a teardrop on the other hand combines a kitchen, somewhere to sleep (its not exactly a bedroom) and the outdoors is your lounge. Its the perfect combination of technology and the outdoors in my opinion.

Not to everyone's taste, but if there is one thing I'd ask of the outdoor community is to embrace the teardrop. Its a bridge that brings the people who don't understand being in the woods, but equally don't want to sit on a caravan site.

Sorry... something I'm passionate about... I'll shut up now while some judge my outburst :eek:


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