Vegetarian/vegan camp food?

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Why are you stirring ?

Honestly, you're pushing this.

Take note; the thread asked for advice on vegetarian/vegan food....someone quietly commented that every thread that talked about this seems to attract the meat eaters...who rather push things....and he's right.

Conversations here ramble, at times, we try, but TeeDee's right too, and sometimes we do get off topic.

We do try to keep it good natured though; not argumentative.

Meat is not a necessity; food is.
What you choose to eat is a personal choice, and whole societies live and thrive and have done so for thousands of years without eating meat.
I don't think any manage, not even those daft lassies who think they can eat sunshine alone, not to eat food though.
I did notice that, mine are copied direct from a product. It does say net carb, I don't know much about carbs.

Net carbs is the total amount of digestible carbohydrate, which is the amount of carbohydrates left after fibre and sugar alcohols are subtracted from the total carbohydrate content, as they are (mostly) not digested.

just had a quick look and not gone into detail on the bbc good food website but have a google and search and see if it helps. Some of the recipes will be too fiddly for camping but I am certain if you trawl the internet you will find at least one good recipe. the trick is to start simple with just one recipe( although I do appreciate you need to make radical changes) another trick is to make things as tasty and flavoursome as possible. the same recipe done slightly differently makes a huge difference. eg my son makes a really tasty veg chilli and also a vege spaghetti bolognese ...however my versions of those dishes are boring ,tastless and depressing(LOL)
So any dish can be nice if you flavour it well ( unlike my approach which is a bit too utilitarian)
Net carbs is the total amount of digestible carbohydrate, which is the amount of carbohydrates left after fibre and sugar alcohols are subtracted from the total carbohydrate content, as they are (mostly) not digested.

I always wondered about that because we were taught (yonks ago, I'm ancient) that the calorie count was worked out by burning the weighed product and recording the heat output....but our bodies can't do that.

Net carbs; I'll mind that :D Thank you.

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lots of lentils for protein in the second recipe( you can get them ready cooked in a tetrapak or tinned)
If I was car for camping I would cook these at home,freeze them and take them with me in a cool bag or whatever. They would probably defrost after 2/3 days in winter. BUT probably more difficult if you were hiking/carrying your own food. In which case I am sure there are plenty who could advise for that scenario.
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I've a hiatus hernia - cut down on the fat, coffee, alcohol etc. Food that will give you acid reflux. With meat a big issue is your fat intake

Have the Dr advised you to start taking a Proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole etc)?

Other thing is to consider what activity makes it worse - I get more acid reflux type pain when caving due to the bending and ducking... But now I know I can reduce it.

Heavy gym work - short burst of jerky movement wouldn't do it any good. You might have consider changing - higher number of easier reps with low weights or similar

Bad posture is an issue to - try doing yoga or similar that improves posture and improves core strength.
Basically they just said:
Nothing wrong with your heart, it's a haitus hernia, don't know if it's stomach or bowel but it's up through your diaphragm. If you get sudden excruciating pain or a lump the size of your fist below your sternum. Dial 999. Bye!

And that's the last I have heard since attending West Wales General hospital on 22/11/2023.

Tried getting a doctors appointment, no luck so far.

Bending over causes acid reflux, job requires heavy lifting, no escaping that. Have cut right back of the low rep heavy weight training, am doing just as you said.

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Basically they just said:
Nothing wrong with your heart, it's a haitus hernia, don't know if it's stomach or bowel but it's up through your diaphragm. If you get sudden excruciating pain or a lump the size of your fist below your sternum. Dial 999. Bye!

And that's the last I have heard since attending West Wales General hospital on 22/11/2022.

Tried getting a doctors appointment, no luck so far.

Bending over causes acid reflux, job requires heavy lifting, no escaping that. Have cut right back of the low rep heavy weight training, am doing just as you said.

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Dude, it's a bit worrying that you can't get a doctors appointment. What do you mean? I know it's difficult sometimes to get an appointment especially if you want to see a particular doctor. I know things are not perfect but my gut instinct is that a person can get a GP appointment even if they have to wait a few days or a week or so.
I am genuinely puzzled
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Maybe best if we all agree to disagree.

I think the OP feels he has some reasonable answers to his initial questions and alot of the additional comments seem to be more internal individual differences of opinion and personal ethics .

One mans meat...
@gibson 175

I think so too.

That's over a year, I'd be trying hard to get to see a doctor. Hernias can be repaired, or ameliorated. Old joiners, cartwrights and the like, they wore 'belts', heavy leather belts for their hernias. Used to be a common workplace injury when folks did a lot of heavy lifting.
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@gibson 175

I think so too.

That's over a year, I'd be trying hard to get to see a doctor. Hernias can be repaired, or ameliorated. Old joiners, cartwrights and the like, they wore 'belts', heavy leather belts for their hernias. Used to be a common workplace injury when folks did a lot of heavy lifting.
Yes, GP found my Dad had one.

No doubt occured when he was young...certainly not recent.
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Folks, I really appreciate all the time and effort and advice given by you all.

And I'm sorry that my asking for help caused a debate between carnivores and vegetarians/vegans/pescatarians + any other "arian" I may have inadvertently missed out.

There's a lot if options to try and experiments to conduct, and I appreciate every single input, even the debatable ones.

I'm not worried about looks or size, I'm worried about losing strength. I also fear that after my body has relied on such an intake of calories to complete my day to day living, that if I don't keep up I may lack and get exhausted. It's mostly over thinking, but what I failed to inform is that my thyroid issue is over active, so I use and burn more calories than a healthy individual doing the same tasks.

'dem gainz... '

Sorry that made me giggle
That's exactly how gym lads round here talk, and they call each other bro
( not impossible around these parts, everyone seems to be related to everyone else)

Lupin flour is something I would like to try,

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I'm sure the title raises a few eyebrows, but I have a conundrum.

I've recently HAD to become vegetarian due to health issues, (40 years of being a carnivore, not a lifestyle choice I would willingly make) and I'm struggling to find food I can take camping.

Especially protien in the daily amounts I need.

Protien 211-240g
Carbohydrate 281-319g
Fat 72-94g
Calories 2807 -2812

I can't have soya due to another separate health issue that soya aggravates the situation.

I manage at home, but I would need a wheelbarrow and full camp kitchen to carry what's available at home, rater than a Billy can on the fire and 15l bag of food.

Any ideas? Any other vegans/vegetarians on here that could help me out, point me in the right direction?

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I used the wrong term. I have been an omnivore all my life, I used the term carnivore
As that's what I'm used to being called by others of a different palate. Same as I have been called a lot worse for eating meat.

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Dude, it's a bit worrying that you can't get a doctors appointment. What do you mean? I know it's difficult sometimes to get an appointment especially if you want to see a particular doctor. I know things are not perfect but my gut instinct is that a person can get a GP appointment even if they have to wait a few days or a week or so.
I am genuinely puzzled
Triage system, start phoning at 8 am, on hold till 9am, by the time the receptionist answers, " Sorry all appointments are taken today, please call back tomorrow"

Not meaning to drag off topic, but NHS in Wales is not the best or most reliable.

Just before Christmas on the local news there was an Old lady 90s broken hip on the pavement and 9 hrs for an ambulance to become empty and free to travel 4 miles from the hospital to where she was.

Honestly may sound like I'm spinning a yarn,
But you would have to live here to experience it for yourself.

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@gibson 175

I think so too.

That's over a year, I'd be trying hard to get to see a doctor. Hernias can be repaired, or ameliorated. Old joiners, cartwrights and the like, they wore 'belts', heavy leather belts for their hernias. Used to be a common workplace injury when folks did a lot of heavy lifting.
My typo error November last year it's been 3 months. 2023 I meant to type, will edit post now. Apologies to all

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