I always like playing devils advocate and will relish in doing so, but Im not saying that homeopathic treatment as the sole way to go. However everything comes from nature somehow. I can see why the major pharmaceutical companies would not like it if we could eat something that grows in fields or hedgerows to cure breast cancer rather than pay thousands for hormone based therapies. In the same vain neither do governments, because they ultimately get tax from these companies.
Who is going to invest the same funding to prove effecitveness of homeopathic remedies that you can then not charge a nominal fee for because they have been used for thousands of years and are hence not patentable. This is not profitable for anyone, so why put up the funds to do it. One example I can give, that is not at all related to herbal rmedies, is the new PARAFEN or whatever its called - "we've been working for 5 years to invent a new pain killer" - absolute bull. You've been doing what I have for over a decade - taking paracetamol along with ibuprofen and putting it in 1 tablet so that you can charge masses for (except i take 3 or 4 that cost 12p per dose rather that 1 or 2 at a quid) - an absolute rip off.
Who is going to invest the same funding to prove effecitveness of homeopathic remedies that you can then not charge a nominal fee for because they have been used for thousands of years and are hence not patentable. This is not profitable for anyone, so why put up the funds to do it. One example I can give, that is not at all related to herbal rmedies, is the new PARAFEN or whatever its called - "we've been working for 5 years to invent a new pain killer" - absolute bull. You've been doing what I have for over a decade - taking paracetamol along with ibuprofen and putting it in 1 tablet so that you can charge masses for (except i take 3 or 4 that cost 12p per dose rather that 1 or 2 at a quid) - an absolute rip off.