upper pattern's

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
I was wondering if any body knows a source to find a pattern for the leather boot uppers, specifically clog upper's that are nailed to a wood sole. I have 1 pair of clogs but dont know how to get a pattern from them and dont want to dismantle them as they are still good? One thing that intrigues me how do they make the flat leather for to go shaped around the toes etc is it soaked first? I think I can carve some personalised custom clog soles from alder, I have some big clean logs, and do it with axe and crook knife's, unconventional but I donthave any stock knive's:lmao: . I'd like to make a unique pair just for the fun of it. I have an old brief case with good springy leather about 3mm thick there might be enough to do a pair. I would have to stitch it up by hand.
Any sudgestion's?
cheers Jonathan :)
There's a clog maker (among other things!) at Invermorriston on the side of Loch Ness. As far as I can remember, he nails the leather to the sole and then pushes the whole clog into a form (the leather is wet). It's ages since I was up and he is a really nice bloke, he sells the cheapest reindeer skins in the uk I think!


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
If you're ever anywhere near St Fagan's museum (Cardiff) call in to see Geraint who demonstrates making clogs there. He's a lovely chap and really helpful - I filmed him being trained as part of my PhD.

The modern way with veg tanned leather is to shape it simply by stretching it over wooden formers (lasts) as they nail it on. There's quite a knack to doing it. Old clogs were made with 'wax kip' leather which was also shaped over a last but this was done by melting the wax with a special tool heated over a fire and used to press the leather to the shape of the last.

I've some photos I could root out later


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
Found them! This one shows a pair of clogs which have just had the leather nailed on and another waiting to be done:

The only time I saw them ever wetting the leather was when there was a pair that were slightly too tight and they ran it under a hot tap before pushing in a bigger last to try to stretch it. Otherwise they were always done dry and just left for a bit whilst the leather took the form:

Geraint was being trained by Jeremy Atkinson who is a brilliant clog maker - I think he still goes out and about to some craft fairs. Jeremy let him copy his upper patterns to keep. there were a lot of them because each style upper had a pattern in several sizes:

Finally here's Jeremy at work:

and Jeremy and Geraint discussing toe tins:

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
Thanks for posting the pictures, they are great.:D
Might it be necessary to carve a pair of wooden last's as well??
Does Geriant have his own web site?
Yetsrday I was talking to my log man whilst buying some chestnut and ash for leg's and spindle's (one of the best, old school values, totally nice bloke, not too big for his boot's, despite the huge scale of his operations). Totally out of the blue he said "you'll be making clog soles next" :lmao:
cheers Jonathan :)


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
No web site - Geraint is on the staff there and demonstrates to the public as part of the entertainment. He's good though and you'd find him helpful. Jeremy Atkinson who trained him is an exceedingly good craftsman and well worth going to see if he's at an event in your area, but he'll tell you that you'll not be able to make a pair of clogs like that!
Good luck with them!


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