I hope so Jim. I am always so sad when someone buys a Roselli and thinks they have an ulu. The mezzaluna is only good for mincing soft herbs as it is just too thick for slicing meats and cheeses, scraping under dough, gliding through crusty bread, and just about everything else you can think of.
Alaska and likely northern Canada are plagued by low quality stamped ulus for the tourist market too, the steel in them is again too thick and they are generally butter knife sharp.
Maynard knows what he is doing and his work is very reasonable. They sometimes list ulus on ebay under meriumdelerium (that may be missspelled but you get the drift). These are generally the smaller shop ulus not the larger ones. He uses thin saw steel (less than 1 mm) convexes the edge to a beautiful edge that is just a joy to use. The caribou or seacow or ivory etc is all collected around this time of the year up around Nome so Maynard may not be around for a while.
I highly recommend the 8" Fish River....I have handled a 6" and it is not anywhere near as useful. I am likely going to order a 10" version sometime.
I also much prefer the Fish River pattern over my Bristol Bay....initially the Bristol Bay handle was the dogs bollucks, but after getting it home it was too restrictive for my uses....especially a side rocking mince action that the Fish River shines at. I suspect this would be the case for some of the other wrap around handle types. I am also wanting a Canadian model with the T grip.
Please please no one buy a Roselli without at least trying out a real ulu. I think that Roselli is a beauty but other than mincing and scraping skins I cannot see it having any use other than decoration.
This really is my last word until I get back