another one with beer conotations, ouch my liver lol
you will need to google for a pic my descrption wont mean much.
I suppose this should be classed as a herb but not certain of this,
grows in marsh land, and theres a fair crop of it near where i live, so if you got any bog or marsh land near you, keep an eye out, because this plant is a loverly flavour enhancer, and superb for the brewers amongst you.
pick the leaves between april and july goes well in soups and stews and also good when used to add flavour to roasting meats, very good with the gamier meats, hare especially.
where it does grow it seems to thrive so if you got a crop near you put it in your diary and remember for next year and so on.(good idea for most finds)
ive got a set of four maps with all the local fruit trees plants etc ive found, but my memory is horrid so it may not be something most need,