Ok I drank a little deeper (I cannot believe I've been googling dynamic equilibrium and equilibrium vapour pressure - I really must get out more
) - and I now agree that Boyle's law is a poor explanation for what is going on - thank you Ged and Mr Adoby for putting me right on that score - although no thanks at all for the hour of my life that I'll never get back
I still wanted to find out why there is an apparent loss of pressure as the lighter gradually empties - dynamic equilibrium should determine that the pressure in the reservoir remains constant (at constant temperatures). I think the answer lies in Ged's views of approximation and ideal conditions and dynamic vapour pressure.
My theory - and I wait to be corrected on this (I'm a pilot, not a physicist) - is that every time you use the lighter you are contaminating the butane with air which will effect the dynamic vapour pressure of the butane. This is why it is important to completely purge the lighter prior to filling - you're not purging the residual butane - you're purging it of air so that, when you fill the lighter, your starting from as pure a butane base as possible.
Anyway - my head is about to spontaneously combust - so I'm off for a late lunch amongst some trees!

I still wanted to find out why there is an apparent loss of pressure as the lighter gradually empties - dynamic equilibrium should determine that the pressure in the reservoir remains constant (at constant temperatures). I think the answer lies in Ged's views of approximation and ideal conditions and dynamic vapour pressure.
My theory - and I wait to be corrected on this (I'm a pilot, not a physicist) - is that every time you use the lighter you are contaminating the butane with air which will effect the dynamic vapour pressure of the butane. This is why it is important to completely purge the lighter prior to filling - you're not purging the residual butane - you're purging it of air so that, when you fill the lighter, your starting from as pure a butane base as possible.
Anyway - my head is about to spontaneously combust - so I'm off for a late lunch amongst some trees!