Traditional Snow Shoes/Boots - Mukluks

If the mukluks etc that are used in Canada and the cold north are ideal for the cold dry conditions up here. I know these are not ideal for the wetter snows so what would have been used in the wetter snow conditions or thaw conditions by these people?

Also what would likely have traditionally been used in the UK by our distant ancestors in these conditions?
Did a brief bit of reading and seems the natives in Canada in the past used Seal Skin for waterproof material, however they are apparently hard to make as they need constant stretching. Aparently none of the big companies have learned about how to make the shoes ideal when compared to natural made ones they have rubber soles, and air gaps between the layers but not entirely breathable. As a result they can freeze overnight.
Will read the rest tonight.

But does anyone have info on what the local natives in the UK would have used in the winter? Just extra layers of wool and leather shoes?
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Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
I've been looking around too for shoes/mocassins/mukluks for wet conditions, but somehow I have the feeling that these just didn't exist! I keep finding all sorts of mocassins or sandaltypes, but nothing looking like a boot.
Maybe the people back then endured wet feet or the shoes were waterproofed by greasing the leather regularly. When making all-leather the holes made to sew the pieces together close up again. Given the little weight and packsize of my lammycoatmocassins, I suspect they might even be carrying a second pair, too.

Does it make any sence????


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