Traditional for the modern. A Canvas pack for the iPad.


Making memories since '67
I have been threatening to make some sort of a canvas messenger bag for quite some time now. Well I got an iPad a few weeks ago and as I seem to be taking it everywhere I could do with a bag for it. I saw that both Frost River and Duluth have versions of bags for the iPad so spurned on by this I had a go.

It is really a simple pack to make and nothing fancy but I am pleased with it. I should have made it with leather straps and buckles to fasten it but I was on a roll and using press studs allowed me to start and finish it in the same night.

So here it is ably modelled by Gwen. It is of course too long for her as the strap is set for my height.




I need to get some more canvas but once I do I may get round to making a mark two version with the buckle closure.


Jul 23, 2007
Central Scotland
Cracking stuff, like it a lot. One thing I was thinking of is that Mrs C had a bag that had the leather buckles etc but underneath them was a couple of poppers so although it looked like you had to unbuckle it, you could actually just pop them off. Combines looks and easy access!



PS if you're firing off for some canvas, let me know when you're ordering, I'd like to budge in too if that'd be ok.


Making memories since '67
Superb John

Are those leather badges available to buy or are they one offs you've made ?

There is a thread on SotP selling them. There are a few sizes etc. PM me on SotP is you are interested and I can see what I still have or I can make another batch up.

Cracking stuff, like it a lot. One thing I was thinking of is that Mrs C had a bag that had the leather buckles etc but underneath them was a couple of poppers so although it looked like you had to unbuckle it, you could actually just pop them off. Combines looks and easy access!



PS if you're firing off for some canvas, let me know when you're ordering, I'd like to budge in too if that'd be ok.

Having the poppers on the backs of the buckles would be easy to do but I prefer any buckles to be working. The bag is fine as it is but the poppers do mean there is no adjustment if you want the flap looser to accommodate more stuff.

I imagine I will be ordering canvas this week or next. I'll be in touch when I know.


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