Too old and knackered

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Last weekend of the school holidays and Val and I thought we'd hire a car for the weekend and take the grandkids to the sea side. Saturday was to be their day and Sunday was to be our day. The plan was to have a run over to the Lake District today and just chill out.

Saturday saw us head for Runswick Bay on the North Yorkshire coast with the grandkids. It's a lovely small village, no shops but a beautiful long curving beach with clean sand. We got there about half ten to find absolutely no car parking spaces, and a line of cars all waiting to get in, so we did an about turn and headed for Sandsend near Whitby.

At Sandsend we found a parking space in the council car park and duly paid our £5 parking fee. Cameron had his bucket and spade and couldn't wait to explore the myriad of rock pools looking for crabs and other sea creatures.

Val was following them as they made their way down the jetty when she stood on some seaweed and went flat on her back. "Oh, b0llox!" I thought as I watched her go down (she already has a bad back). Anyway, she was OK and I helped her to get back on her feet as others just either stared or pretended they hadn't noticed. The fat around her posterior cushioned the fall although she has a nice tender spot now.

We followed the kids up and down the beach, over rocks and over sand, through puddles and enjoyed watching them enjoy themselves. After about three hours the incoming tide forced us back to the car to have some hot tea and warm sandwiches. The kids were still full of energy, Val was getting really sore from her fall and I was sunburned.

We headed for home late in the afternoon and finally got them home. Then we went back to ours and unloaded the car, fell asleep and went to bed early looking forward to a day at the Lakes today.

I got up at half six this morning ready to go downstairs and make more sarnies. Val couldn't move. She couldn't get off the bed, her back was so sore, so we decided it wasn't to be. We're both too old and knackered.

Never mind, there'll be other times.

Lessons learned:
When your mind tells you you are still young and your body tells you you are not, listen to your body.
Don't try cramming in cutting the grass, cleaning the windows and digging up a crop of beetroot the day before you plan a trip.
When taking the grandkids to the beach for a fun day out, take their mother too and let her do the running about. Old codgers just need a deckchair and a wide brimmed hat to have fun.


rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Now you've done it!:eek:


Me? with the old bloke? Nah:confused: never seen him before!

Oh heck....where did I put my coat!?

Hope Vals ok and a shame about missing the day out but look on the bright side; it was probably honking down over there anyway:D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Now you've done it!:eek:


Me? with the old bloke? Nah:confused: never seen him before!

Oh heck....where did I put my coat!?

Hope Vals ok and a shame about missing the day out but look on the bright side; it was probably honking down over there anyway:D

That a new avatar you've got there Steve? Looks like a dirty old man sittin' in a cave. What's the story behind that then?

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Hope Val mends soon Eric - Know just how she feels :eek: Budge your deckchair up a bit while I knot me hanky ;)

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It's this:

as opposed to this:

or this:

basically an autumn "sunset silhouette" of yours truly!

Dirty old man in a cave!:rant:
Got some news on the events for next year btw:cool:
see you shortly, hopefully;)
is that middle one the picnic bench at the top of the path on the way down to the crags? i sat there no so long ago. :D

and chopwell woods is becoming more of a lesiure wood, that's probably why they're ripping it all to pieces and making it more accessible. :(

milkwellburn woods on the other side of chopwell has some really nice old-growth-esque woodland on the far side. you can imagine you're back in stone age britain, while making tea on the alcohol stove. ;)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
sorry ur second day got scraped Eric but it sounds like you had at least one good day , I dont know how you got sun burned though its been while since i have seen the sun down here in manchester lol

Saturday was blue skied and roasting on the North East coast. Nice cool salty breeze coming in off the sea too. That made it feel a lot cooler than it was and I didn't even think of using sun block.


fred gordon

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 8, 2006
Hope your good lady is on the mend Eric. I know that bruising can take a couple of days to 'mature' and is a real pain in every sense.:(


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
It's been four days since her fall and she's in a worse state now than when she fell. She can hardly move and needs a stick just to hobble around. I'll give it till the end of the week then if she's not improving I'll have her to the doctors. In the meantime I'm lashing the witch hazel onto her bum. I'm not going to be able to make it to Morch's place this weekend. Can't leave her in such a state.



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
As someone who fell on her behind on an icy path, broke her tail bone and slipped two discs and nipped the sciatic nerve a couple of days later saving the broken tail................your missus has my complete sympathy; and never mind the Witch Hazel, get some anti inflammatories and painkillers inside her asap. If you don't mind me saying so, I think it sounds as though it's gone on long enough, maybe phone the surgery and ask the practice nurse's advice ?

Sorry you won't make Morch & Liz's, but tell Val we're asking for her, and hope things settle quickly.



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Ah you're good to her :D ......or you just like your let's not go there :eek: ;)

Sore-est I've ever been, really not funny :(
I do hope things heal up in a hurry for her.


Big Geordie

Jul 17, 2005
Bonny Scotland
Eric. just pm me the proper address. I've got a collection of the right sort of medicines of the Scottish variety.
Big question for you is do you want her bouncing with energy or just saved???
George;) ;) :D


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