G q tobacco sells the morgan briar cigar Samon
Glynn (GQ Tobacco's) is a lovely guy and does price his stock at what i would call sensible prices.
If you ever fancy a change of blends some of his own brand blends are amazing. They are usually quite high in the nicotine levels mind.
Found that out tryin his Swampflower blend. Needed to sit down after that un!
He's had Morgans Bones in (i know cause thats where i got mine )
I was interetsed in the bare bones modles mostly, the briar cigar was just interesting.
Do the bare bones models use decent briar or are they reject pipes that don't get the full colouring etc? I'd love to own one and watch it discolour over the years but I'd cry if my hard work went into a lemon..
Also, does anyone ehre buy from GQ?
+1 for GC tobaccos, being using them for my pipe baccy since a friend gifted me some Nessmuk Plug and the website was on the packet, never had any problems. I buy my handrolling baccy elsewhere though as last time I checked he only carried two brands, neither I like.
The bones are perfectly good briar. Just a little more rugged. Mine is colouring up nicely after at meast a bowl a day since i bought it and ive 0 concerns about it lasting.
He sells a nessmuk navy plug i helped develop too.
Pits and cavities are usually cause for the briar to be rejected from a pipe makers collection.they still smoke exactly the same.just not as aeathetically pleasing so dont tend to command the same high prices of artisan pipemakers custom stuff. Think of them as the mora of the pipe world if you will.
Nessmuk Navy plug is a rum topped brown flake
Its quite high in nicotine. The flavour lasts as does moisture (better than RR or flake for moisture). As for how long they last thats dependent on how thin you cut it
I should hope you visit the mighty Harrison and Simmonds on high st in bedford too mate.
Hi all, loving this thread
Having smoked minature cigars for many years i am finding myself drawn towards smoking a pipe, but know nothing about pipes and their associated tobacco , so could anyone offer advice for a possibly prospective first time pipe smoker
cheers, Ian