The Covid19 Thread

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In the Finnish news tonight was an observation that brits are helping each other now more than in normal circumstances. Any local sightings?
An inprov piano street party was sighted in Woking singing "hang out the washing on the ziegfreud line", meanst while in Newcastle up on time the girls are back to working on the land, drawing lines up the back of their legs and showing us their metalwork skills.
In the Finnish news tonight was an observation that brits are helping each other now more than in normal circumstances. Any local sightings?

Our local pub doesn’t usually deliver home cooked food for free to vulnerable local people, lots of this about, and reduced price menus to cover costs. There are lots of people helping out, I cooked up a decent spaghetti bol night before last and text my neighbour to see if he wanted some. He was chuffed to bits (I cook a good one :)) We received a sheet of printer paper with a green thumbs up and a red thumbs down to put in the window in case of being in trouble, locals walk the village to see what’s what every morning.

Yes, we are helping each other more, here anyway. I’ve not been anywhere else much. And that’s in the last 8yrs. :)
Just asking , Have you ever lived in the UK? or has TLM ?? Just askin.......
Yes I have. For 4 years: 1985-1989. Stationed at RAF Fairford and lived variously in Fairford, then Filkins near Lechlade, and finally in Cirencester. Loved every minute of it. Still have several friends in the Cotswolds and some up north.
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For me I have spent time a few times upto 6 weeks, visit on holidays and on business a lot. So living really no but I have seen various parts of the country.

Though somewhat puzzled as to the relevance.
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Is cricklade on the way to Swindon by any chance? All place names I know well but don't remember visiting. Travelled past on way down to grandparents in so'ton as a child. Long, boring car journey.
In the Finnish news tonight was an observation that brits are helping each other now more than in normal circumstances. Any local sightings?

For me I have spent time a few times upto 6 weeks, visit on holidays and on business a lot. So living really no but I have seen various parts of the country.

Though somewhat puzzled as to the relevance.

I just wanted to ascertain if you were basing the question purely on the Finnish News coverage or if you had personal experience here of what maybe " helping each other now more than in normal circumstances " , - I just wanted to know what you yourslef may think the average state of play actually is. I think that's a fair question in response to your own question. Nothing nefarious.

And how about the Finnish People? ( I'm assuming you are Finnish ) Are you being more charitable or hospitable to each other during this unusual time ? If so How?? Please share.
Ok, actually I was wondering about that news bit, I see no reason why not but decided to ask closer opinion.

Yes, I am Finnish. I have been away from civilization for three weeks now (two visits to shop) so few recent experiences but from what I have heard people seem to be more helpfull towards each other here. As we are staying at a community with a lot of summer houses there were some who thought that everybody not living year around should have stayed away but the shops seem happy to have our money too. Had I met some isolationist xenophobic I might not have been very understanding.
Ok, actually I was wondering about that news bit, I see no reason why not but decided to ask closer opinion.

Yes, I am Finnish. I have been away from civilization for three weeks now (two visits to shop) so few recent experiences but from what I have heard people seem to be more helpfull towards each other here. As we are staying at a community with a lot of summer houses there were some who thought that everybody not living year around should have stayed away but the shops seem happy to have our money too. Had I met some isolationist xenophobic I might not have been very understanding.

There has been a grass roots growth of people assisting , and advertising the offer of their assistance via leaflets/postcards ( for the less tech enabled ) and internet for those with a digital online presence. I assume this to be the UK over from what I have witnessed and been involved in personally.

I do think on occasion you need a negative event to reunite communities and form fresh bonds , they say that people were very close in terms of community during the Blitz and despite all the negative aspects that Covid 19 is bringing its managing to create a community awareness and willingness for people to offer aid to strangers. I suspect this is a Human thing as opposed to any one nation but its nice to see some positivity come out of the whole thing.

The age of the post Nuclear / Commuter family tends to often mean we never really get to know our direct neighbours - or maybe thats an excuse we just try to hide behind ?? I do know that by building up and connecting local community groups of positive and proactive like minded individuals it feels a much more , unified , place?

I also like the way that many small businesses , especially those in catering or food supply have quickly adapted to the challenge ( obviously necessity is still the mother of invention ) and risen to redefine what they can do as a business to survive. As such I now have fruit , veg , meat and bread delivered from LOCAL suppliers that were not necessarily offering those service before the pandemic. I would love to see this kind of thing continue long after the Corona threat is gone as it reduces food miles and puts more local money back directly into the local community - the death of the high street due to supermarkets no longer has to happen if businesses ( and the customers base ) are prepared to change and adapt. Like I say I hope this continues.

Like I say , I do think some kind of occasional shared suffering experience unites people/country/nations/globe/world.... how long it will last afterwards is another thing.
Like I say , I do think some kind of occasional shared suffering experience unites people/country/nations/globe/world.... how long it will last afterwards is another thing.

I agree. However, it also brings out the worse in some scumbag groups. Who on earth takes advantage of these types of scenarios to steel from hospitals, con old people out of their savings and verbally and physically attack NHS staff? I get quite angry when I read about some of the stories.
Very few farms here sell direct, I have seen one sign for eggs and onew for strawberries during the season but that is about all. I would use them if more were offered.

The county where I am now has about 2100 permanent people and during peak period in the summer another 4500+. Local economy turns around with timber and visitors. The potential for direct sale exists only during the summer and the season is only 3 months. Apparently few think worth bothering.
I agree. However, it also brings out the worse in some scumbag groups. Who on earth takes advantage of these types of scenarios to steel from hospitals, con old people out of their savings and verbally and physically attack NHS staff? I get quite angry when I read about some of the stories.

No - I can agree completely , there will always be people that prey on those that they can at times like this.

Regardless of his personal politics , and anyone please don't make assumptions about MY politics based upon me sharing a single link , I believe the behaviour in this video is beyond shocking and horrorful. Again not every one acts this way , it just angers me that some do.

Again - its a single link and not a snap shot of my political views - but I would find it difficult to not want to retaliate or intervene in this situation myself

( Mods - I will understand if you delete/remove the Video link But i would ask exactly WHY you would do so ? )

*Note form Tony - See later post
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Some bloke was arrested in a shop in Bridport, caught lifting his mask, licking his fingers and wiping them on food items. It beggars belief.

I have a feeling we may well be headed for full lockdown with yesterday’s and today’s crowds. Another arrest yesterday was people having a barbecue on Hove Beach. The fine weather is supposed to last into the week which means the idiots will go out.
We have reports of several cases of bogus "coronavirus inspectors" coming to old people's houses and in the process taking money and valuables.
No - I can agree completely , there will always be people that prey on those that they can at times like this.

Regardless of his personal politics , and anyone please don't make assumptions about MY politics based upon me sharing a single link , I believe the behaviour in this video is beyond shocking and horrorful. Again not every one acts this way , it just angers me that some do.

Again - its a single link and not a snap shot of my political views - but I would find it difficult to not want to retaliate or intervene in this situation myself

( Mods - I will understand if you delete/remove the Video link But i would ask exactly WHY you would do so ? )

TeeDee, this lockdown could last weeks rather than months, if you have already got to the stage of watching Utube videos of Yaxley (Voice of Reason) Lennon and machetes for use in survival/self-defence situations, after just a few days, it is unlikely to end well. Now might be a good time to step away from the interweb for a while and delete your search history before you get a knock on the door!

Maybe go for a nice long walk...
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Where we are it's respectful and pretty much obeyance of the social distancing rules. Yes people go to walk their dog or just exercise twice a day along the canal but there's enough space to pass by with a distance between people.

We were talking about London Vs our neighborhood and the fear the rules will change to suit London not where we are. By this I mean we're in an area with no cases and the wider area with low incidence. People are sensible and taking the necessary precautions. A little breakage of the letter of the rules over once a day but I bet my twice a day probably has me encountering less people than Londoners or those in the southeast of England meet. A week of two walks is probably less encounters = less risk.

My point is the UK isn't universally the same. IMHO risk based policy wouldn't result in exactly the same rules everywhere. I suspect the London park crowds will result in unfair crackdown in areas with less risk than those problem / high risk areas.
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Dad had a phonecall from a friend, -apparently the local church was praying for him.

Hes old and we assume thats why. Hes normaly such a precence in the village and maybe people are missing him?

Or else they want a DIY job done?
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TeeDee, this lockdown could last weeks rather than months, if you have already got to the stage of watching Utube videos of Yaxley (Voice of Reason) Lennon and machetes for use in survival/self-defence situations, after just a few days, it is unlikely to end well. Now might be a good time to step away from the interweb for a while and delete your search history before you get a knock on the door!

Maybe go for a nice long walk...

Pretty sure I DID say not to judge me or assume by beliefs from a single link didn't I??

But i'll error on caution and assume you meant it in semi jest.

I was sent the link by a friend by DM.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.