The Covid19 Thread

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Thing is though, no money = no mortgage or rent money, no food money, no money for heating bills, etc.,
So, money matters rather a lot in our civilisation, and to obtain it most folks work, and that generally means interacting with other people.

Son1's girlfriend is Italian (he and she last visited Italy before the New Year, so they're clear) and her family have been dealing with kids off school for over a fortnight. It's a nightmare. The kids are stuck indoors, can't visit Grandpa, can't play with friends, can't go down to the beach (they live on the Adriatic coast) can't go to the shops, can't go out and play football....and since the area is Tourist, the majority of their income is tourism related. Even Grandpa's farm supplies the hotels and restaurants, and since tourism is seasonal, this is the start of their season. It's looking like a very bleak year indeed for them and a great many others.
The bit to remember is that the vast majority of people have very mild symptoms and recover well.
Something's going to get us eventually, we just rather hope that it's not yet, iimmc.

The supermarkets are already re-stocked round here. I suspect the same is true elsewhere, but Mike posted this on another site, I thought it kind of summed it up :)
He said he'd taken it from a Facebook post.

"Here’s a funny little story for you.
I work for a logistics company at the Port of Felixstowe, we mostly deal with importing produce from Italy, pasta mainly.
My job has gone completely insane recently and we’re dealing with unprecedented demand for pasta all because of Corona virus fear leading to panic buying. Seriously, stop it, we’re not gonna run out of pasta, there’s ****ing loads of it. But what is being caused is the need for more drivers from Italy having to bring the pasta over, who we share toilets with.
Think about that before you think you may need a ten year supply of Tagliatelle."
Uk has dropped the ball on this one big time. Italy is warning britain that it's realy bad and to get things in order fast. Government is still prevaricaring, and trying to tell everyone they have it all sorted. I don't believe them myself.
The NHS won't be able to cope..
They will no try to mitigate the number of deaths they can't afford it.
We will have a thousand cases within the next four days. Health system will collapse. It's all about money. Stock market will collapse big time. It's already wiped billions off of pensions and isa accounts.
Not being alarmist just facing facts.
We need to stay at home as much as possible. Not go to church or any gatherings. It's harsh I agree, but this is not a keep calm and carry on scenario. It's keep calm and prepare. Keep calm and protect yourself and others.
I've prepared a month ago and I'm calm. Don't understand why the government have left it so late to do anything. Or why the narrative is its not that bad yet so we don't need to do anything.
If your smoke alarm goes off you don't wait for things to get realy bad before you take action.
What does a cancelled football match or concert matter... money that's what!

So I assume you want to close all schools from now until sometime in the future?
No Government has ever done anything to prevent an epidemic or a pandemic, so we should not blame this one.
They listen to advisers and (usually) take the measures these people recommend.

If the recommendation is of a type 'lockdown' people will think it is much more severe than it is, and panic will erupt.
Follow the recommendation given by the authorities and the vast majority will be fine
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Not being alarmist just facing facts.

No, in my opinion, you're being alarmist. If everyone took your lead the economy would collapse; there would be no money or services to support all the action you think should have been taken. Peoples business would go bust, life savings would be lost and lives ruined.

The trigger levels have been decided and, if/when they are reached, further action will be taken. The best way to contain it is to self isolate as soon as you feel unwell to slow the spread. The reality is, as others have said above, most people will get it at some time or other - we just have to make sure we don't all get it at once.

Having said all that, if I had an underlying health issue I would self isolate as soon as it was in my area.
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I think they are weighing up the panic or issues a lockdown will create against 'managing' the outbreak and the issues that would create. Money is and probably should be the no 1 issue. and when we say money we mean the impact to the economy. This pays for the NHS, state pensions, flood defenses and other essential services. We lose this money and some more austerity beckons...

The lockdown in Italy is really IMO lip service. There were flights reported arriving and leaving milan both domestic and international after the lockdown...
Broch and others. I do have underlying health issues. And particularly the ones that make me vulnerable too.
As do many of my friends. We are just being very carefull.
What I feel should be done is I imaterial. I'll be ignored by most. That i accept.
My lifestyle is (has to be) maintained on very little money and I can only afford big ticket items by saving hard and being frugal in other areas.
No car, microwave, TV and many other things. I'm perfectly used to it and to be honest much happier than I used to be worrying about how to afford things . One reason I turned to serious foraging to feed the kids..
If you feel I'm being alarmist.. fine ... but I'm not worried about myself either. I've been relatively self sufficient for years now.
Facts are facts and only time and events will bear me out. .... or not.
Well see in a few months time won't we?
Anyway. I'm just as tired of and laughing at the bog roll fights as anyone but it just goes to show how unprepared and complacent the general public are.( Present company excepted I hope.)
Stay safe and keep calm and carry on. :)
Oh and correct me if I'm wrong but is this thread entitled
Covid 19 not being taken seriously enough?????????.
There has never been a response like this from Governments ( in various countries) before.
Yes, agree, they are taking it seriously.

Here, we do not allow any cruise ships to land and discharge the passengers, if anybody onboard has flu like symptoms. The latest one this morning.
Last time the Finnish Government took an epidemic seriously they offered very cheap vaccination for the general public. So far so good. Soon afterwards it appeared that the vaccine was causing narcolepsy for some teens, about 200 I guess, it also came to public knowledge that the top politicians and officials were vaccinated with a different vaccine that did not have any extra effects. Kind of hard to take them seriously after that.
Broch and others. I do have underlying health issues. And particularly the ones that make me vulnerable too.
As do many of my friends. We are just being very carefull.
What I feel should be done is I imaterial. I'll be ignored by most. That i accept.
My lifestyle is (has to be) maintained on very little money and I can only afford big ticket items by saving hard and being frugal in other areas.
No car, microwave, TV and many other things. I'm perfectly used to it and to be honest much happier than I used to be worrying about how to afford things . One reason I turned to serious foraging to feed the kids..
If you feel I'm being alarmist.. fine ... but I'm not worried about myself either. I've been relatively self sufficient for years now.
Facts are facts and only time and events will bear me out. .... or not.
Well see in a few months time won't we?
Anyway. I'm just as tired of and laughing at the bog roll fights as anyone but it just goes to show how unprepared and complacent the general public are.( Present company excepted I hope.)
Stay safe and keep calm and carry on. :)

So just to check, are we closing schools? :D
Last time the Finnish Government took an epidemic seriously they offered very cheap vaccination for the general public. So far so good. Soon afterwards it appeared that the vaccine was causing narcolepsy for some teens, about 200 I guess, it also came to public knowledge that the top politicians and officials were vaccinated with a different vaccine that did not have any extra effects. Kind of hard to take them seriously after that.
Same $hit in Sweden. Did they do something legally with the manufacturer of that vaccine? Who made it?

In many countries the vaccines are given cheaply or for free to the vulnerable groups.

Please give a moments thought to the people that are heavily exposed to the risks. The till operators in supermarkets. Your GP, hospital Drs and staff. Your Dentist and staff. People like that.

It has been written in media that mouth masks and face shields do not work.
BS. If they did not work, dentists and their chairside staff would be sick most of the time.
We wear gloves, mouth masks and eye protection not to protect the patient, but us.

The reason is that the Pathogens do not 'float; freely, one and one, in the air, but in droplets of saliva.
Stop the droplet - lessens the chance of you getting it.

What you guys should do, is to keep an increased space to people. Larger 'personal space'

B12 injections and an increased Vit C intake will not hurt either. Science is still unsure of the effect, if any, but.....

I am giving myself a B12 dose tonight.
Intramuscular. I have not decided where, the last Flu vaccine I gave myself I stabbed into my left Deltoid.

Any suggestions? Biceps? Rectus Femoris ( the outside thigh) ?
I do different muscles every time.
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The vaccine adjuvant had mercury in some form in it, that was later suspected to be the main culprit. I think the manufacturer paid something years later.
This country despite it's many efforts have not been able to curtail the influx of illegal immigrants, run the Police in an efficient manner, keep the NHS going at an appropriate rate, collect taxes from international firms, keep the residual water flowing correctly, etc, etc, etc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and true to form they are maintaining these standards by doing nothing.
On the other hand as they seem to have a habit of getting things wrong at first go, it may be the best strategy to follow.
And at my age I have to take this seriously, I just hope they put some decent programmes on TV if I have to stay inside for a while.
Same $hit in Sweden. Did they do something legally with the manufacturer of that vaccine? Who made it?

In many countries the vaccines are given cheaply or for free to the vulnerable groups.

Please give a moments thought to the people that are heavily exposed to the risks. The till operators in supermarkets. Your GP, hospital Drs and staff. Your Dentist and staff. People like that.

It has been written in media that mouth masks and face shields do not work.
BS. If they did not work, dentists and their chairside staff would be sick most of the time.
We wear gloves, mouth masks and eye protection not to protect the patient, but us.

The reason is that the Pathogens do not 'float; freely, one and one, in the air, but in droplets of saliva.
Stop the droplet - lessens the chance of you getting it.

What you guys should do, is to keep an increased space to people. Larger 'personal space'

B12 injections and an increased Vit C intake will not hurt either. Science is still unsure of the effect, if any, but.....

I am giving myself a B12 dose tonight.
Intramuscular. I have not decided where, the last Flu vaccine I gave myself I stabbed into my left Deltoid.

Any suggestions? Biceps? Rectus Femoris ( the outside thigh) ?
I do different muscles every time.

Put it in the strongest muscle in the body..........................LOL
The Mercury compound is very normal, it is a preservative. Called Thiomersal. Extensively researched over decades, harmless. It has been used in hundreds of millions of injections, no side effects noted.
Of course, it is one of the substances those Antivaxxers talk about. Those people have caused more damaged and dead people than any vaccines since Dr Jenner.
Wonder what they will do when the Covid-19 vaccine is available?


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