The Covid19 Thread

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The Coronavirus has a large size (diameter of 400-500 nanometers) so face masks can stop it, no special face masks are needed in daily life.

Is that a typo as the two contradict each other.

Reason being if a face mask can stop it then surely face masks would be necessary in daily life especially when going out.
Something doesn’t seem kosher though. It says to drink “hot” drinks because temperature over 80f kill it? Then how can it live in a human body at all? Normal body temp (including saliva and mucus at the point of entry) is 98.6f
A hospital in the uk using Fahrenheit as the first temperature measure then Celsius in brackets to explain it! It's a statement from an American source that's been distributed I would bet. No offence to Americans but I bet almost all medical and non medical staff in UK hospital would use Celsius first and probably never use Fahrenheit at all. Especially if they were writing this advice from a position of knowledge or power such as official advice from the higher ups.

No it's a stupid internet advice piece printed off and circulated by Facebook believers.!!!!
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Well, that is pretty clear!

New measures announced by BJ:

  • From tonight, people in Britain will be allowed to leave their homes for only “very limited purposes” - shopping for basic necessities; for one form of exercise a day; for any medical need; and to travel to and from work when “absolutely necessary”
  • People are warned not to meet friends or family members who they do not live with
  • Shopping is only permitted for essentials like food and medicine, and people are advised to do it “as little as you can”
  • Police have powers to enforce the rules, including through fines and dispersing gatherings
  • All shops selling non-essential goods, such as clothing and electronic stores, are ordered to close
  • Libraries, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and places of worship are to close
  • All gatherings of more than two people in public - excluding people you live with - are banned
  • All social events, including weddings and baptisms are banned
  • Funerals are not included in the new restrictions
  • Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed
  • Restrictions “under constant review” and will be checked again in three weeks. They will be relaxed “if the evidence shows we are able to”
No, it’s fake news. I checked and posted my apology.
Not trying to be offensive but it sounded like American sourced information hence my comments about temperature units.

Sorry about the delay in replying. This thread is growing faster than I can keep up with. That might change as my employer has sent most if us home. One week on company, one week on paid holiday and one week on don't know what if the 80% government grant hasn't kicked in. Then provisionally back after Easter if the situation allows.
"... places of worship are to close."

Good luck with that one.
A hospital in the uk using Fahrenheit as the first temperature measure then Celsius in brackets to explain it! It's a statement from an American source that's been distributed I would bet. No offence to Americans but I bet almost all medical and non medical staff in UK hospital would use Celsius first and probably never use Fahrenheit at all. Especially if they were writing this advice from a position of knowledge or power such as official advice from the higher ups.

No it's a stupid internet advice piece printed off and circulated by Facebook believers.!!!!
No offense taken, it’s a valid point.
"... places of worship are to close."

Good luck with that one.
They’ve closed here: sort of. The clergy are still conducting the liturgies but the parishioners are directed by the bishops to follow from home (Live streaming from the parishes with that capability) Weddings, baptisms, etc. are being postponed but funerals are being permitted as long as the attendees are limited to fewEr than 10 of the immediate family. (albeit the graveside service only in most churches)
Take a repeat photo of that congregation after cv19 has passed through. Any empty seats and praying hasn't worked for them. Full seats doesn't mean it has worked.
My comment had nothing to do with the photo, that congregation, or any congregation. I sited the world population. Billions: nearly 8 billion at the last count. It’ll still be nearly 8 billion after this unless it grows (still a probability even with the virus)

Death is an eventuality in all religions and as such has no bearing on the effectiveness of prayers. Rather the effectiveness of prayer (or ineffectiveness) is measured by whether we fear death. That’s why funerals are considered celebrations in most religious traditions.
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I guess I was referring to the moon crescent people, in Paris the curfew has worked badly or even worse, increased meetings.
I guess I was referring to the moon crescent people, in Paris the curfew has worked badly or even worse, increased meetings.
To be fair I don’t know how religions here other thanChristianity are responding bit I imagine similarly. The parking lots around the synagogues seem empty.
I haven’t seen a post from Janne in a couple of weeks. Anybody know if he’s safe or if he’s been infected? Also it’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen anything g from Lannyman8. Anybody heard from him?
From the BBC.

interesting if you read down with regard to the anticipated cost of the test.

There is no “Federal Drugs Agency?” Do they possibly mean the “Food & Drug Administration?” That’s the division (FDA) within the Department of Agriculture which has authority over both drugs and food standards.


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