Without wanting to start the old, 'HOW MUCH...!' debate, wether it is worth the skill, materials, consumables and overhead's, to have an endorsment from a TV celebrity, no matter how tenuous, or how that TV personality is percieved, must be a dream for a knife maker. I think the blade material is RWL 34. Dougster reckons it's the puppies when it comes to material, so i'm thinking the suplier is going to put a mark up on it for that alone. The blades are 4mm thick, too thick for me, but favoured by some. It's designed to be a user but i think that the fact it is a BG signature model may be it's undoing as well as it's endorsment. Then again, there may be a backlash by BG supporters!
With regards to the angular handle, in the days of old (Whoa) in the west, the old Bowie knives used to have handles very similar to this. They were called 'coffin handles' and it's easy to see why. Those knives were used by trappers and mountain men as well as gamblers and carpet baggers and they were around a lot longer than the 'Woodlore' style knife. Not knocking it, i am a fan, but just because it's different, don't make it bad. Again, i haven't actually handled one so i cannot say wether i'd like it or not. Only one thing is definate, i won't be buying one!
When it is said that other 'Better' knives can be had on here and BB for less, well, i would'nt like to say what is better or worse, but hobbyist makers who don't depend on their product as a sole income can charge as much or as little as they like. Some guys on BB sell their knives at cost, the amount they have paid for the materials and consumables, just so they are not out of pocket and can buy more materials to enable them to make another knife.
Yes, the BG conection may be a little galling, but take that away and you've still got a knife maker trying to make end's meet and feed his family.