tartlet cases



does anyone know if woodlore are planning on selling metal tartlet cases as used on RM's wild food show as they must be essential bushcraft kit if mr Mears uses them


May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
robadams said:
c'mon guys.
we're not about to see a national shortage of tartlet case are we?

Yup, and if the rest of the threads on this site are anything to go by.....

The price of berry grabbers is about to skyrocket
as is the price of cast iron pots

Buy low....sell high :D

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005

I really enjoyed the programme. I kind of feel sorry for the guys now - whatever they do.....



May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
British Red said:

I really enjoyed the programme. I kind of feel sorry for the guys now - whatever they do.....


You are quite right red and i slap myself for getting caught up with it :twak:

I have really enjoyed this series, apart from being informative it has been nice to see Ray letting his hair down a bit more, he seems much more relaxed.

Firing that bow last night was a joy to see. I had trouble getting my competition carbon arrows to leave the bow that straight even with all the aids that modern composite bows have.

It would appear as you say he is dammed if he does and dammed if he doesn't. Who else would we have on the haunted fishtank to discuss if not for Ray? simple answer- no-one.
If people ask about his kit, you are not original- 'don't buy that just becaue Ray uses it, be original'. Considering the guy does it for a living and has done it for many many years i would imagine that the kit list that Ray either does own/has owned in the past would leave a very very small list indeed for the "non-mearsy".

This very forum- how many new members have his television shows brought to us? So what if new people want to talk about Ray constantly? It is their only experience of bushcraft in most cases. They will soon learn that Ray does not have a monopoly on this and will start to learn and expand their knowledge base in other ways and directions.

Ask the "person in the street" who Ray Mears is and there would be a good chance that they would know. Ask them who Mors or Lofty etc are and the answer to the first would probably be "wasn't he in ABBA?". Ray has done more to bring our hobby/way of life/passion into the public eye than anyone else.
When i started doing outdoor things years ago and people asked me what i did it invoked in them the idea of the hardcore survivalist building man traps in the woods with a survival knife the size of a meat cleaver dressed head to foot in DPM. These days it's "ahh like the Mears chappie", if only i was that good but it does give people an idea of what we do and it does make it more acceptable. I find i get a lot less hassle from the public now than i used to say in the late 80's especially when it comes to things like fires and knives.

There will always be the people who idolise and copy everything Ray Mears does, so be it. To be honest it may not make them think for themselves but it will turn them into competent bushcrafters.
There will be the people who can't stand Ray Mears and will have a go at everything he does,so be it. People are people and the world would be a worse place if we all thought the same way.

Then there will be people like me.
I have been an outdoorsy person all my life. Growing up the "SAS survival handbook" was my bible. Then Ray turned up and some of the idea's in Lofty's book were alive and on the screen in front of me. Techniques i was struggling with in some cases made sense (still haven't got the bow drill to work) and Rays programs helped me to understand things better. I do not idolise the guy and i am aware that just because "Ray says it" it is right.

Having gone to his lecture last week though it was nice to see the guy in person, an average joe who has a passion for the outdoors and is happy to share his experience and knowledge with others (for a price, but we all have to make a living). Someone who seems uneasy with the adualtion that is heaped upon him but still takes the time to talk to people who are complete strangers and help them.

Just think before you criticise......how would you feel reading the negative posts if the roles were reversed?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
The tartlet cases made me smile. Excellent idea, and not too much to carry. What I did find a great idea though was how he prepared his pastry. Ready made, ready rolled and separated with cling film. Brilliant! All he had to do was unroll the clingfilm and peel the short paste off and place it straight onto the tartlet case. Good if you are not wanting to carry in a rolling pin, or don't have the time to turn one on a pole lathe.



Sep 24, 2003
ArkAngel said:
Yup, and if the rest of the threads on this site are anything to go by.....

The price of berry grabbers is about to skyrocket
as is the price of cast iron pots

Buy low....sell high :D

Waddabout the toilet paper?? :D
new Bushcraft Rule #1
On seeing somebody with a bit of kit of type you like or have been trying to find for ages

you are under no circumstances to ask them What were how etc on pain of death in fact turn and walk away NOW espesally at Moots THESE are not for you to look at others kit an learning by askin
Work it out yourself No Shareing Sod off !!!!

Well at least me breaking Rule #1 above i got to find a larger than std Stove top kettle (not actually Rays one :D ) for some one who has no interest in Bushcraft but wants to be green and save the planet buy not using ellecy for tea in the home nd shes very happy with it cheaper than the AGA one at nearly £100 :eek:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 25, 2005
Greensand Ridge
Has anyone noticed that many of the places Ray has chosen to source his wild food entails being granted “special permission” to harvest such? A tad worrying if this means it is not as freely available as once supposed.


ArkAngel - Very good post, you got rep! Totally agree with you.

As an armchair/backyard bushcrafter, I really appreciate old Ray. His shows are among the very few about living with nature on tv. So people idolise him - so what? People idolise Beckham and I don't see him as being as good an influence! Would you rather they drooled over Posh's new £20,000 designer bog roll (hell, it's probably too cheap for her!) than a Woodlore knife? Would you rather they tried to follow in his footsteps or Eminem's? (Famous names chosen at random btw, you could swap just about any music/tv/sport/film celeb name in there with little difference)

Would I buy any of that kit? If I had the money maybe. Not the knife though as there prices have gone stupid. I wouldn't buy them *because* RM used them but because they were good quality kit and worth the extra. Right now it's a case of beg, make or borrow though :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.