Super Shelter.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
She's also fenced it to keep her Springer in at night, and being a Springer man I know exactly why she's done it; I've had mine worn out and footsore by ten a.m. because she's been a-rieving the whole night........


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
If it's to keep wild boar out, she'll need more than that. To quote a friend who keeps pigs…."the only damned thing that keeps them in, or out, are stone walls and electric fences….and those only if they're prepared to b*gger off and go do something else".

All that timber she cut down ? she'd have been better building up in them :)



Jan 14, 2010
I gave up at "the heat from the fire will radiate through the sheet and then be trapped". So it'll radiate in, but not radiate out? Am I missing something?


Full Member
May 26, 2015
The walls, she openly admits are a glorified wind breaker and to keep her dog inside... but it could have been a whole lot simpler... the walls as they are won't keep anything out other than the wind.

Genuinely though, given a place to do it, timber and time, I could make something more efficient using the same materials. Admire what she's done, but I think she's gone OTT on fencing herself in and in all fairness, its about as camouflaged as a dayglow tarp. Given one of her goals was for it to blend in, it doesn't. Not at all.


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
I gave up at "the heat from the fire will radiate through the sheet and then be trapped". So it'll radiate in, but not radiate out? Am I missing something?
Oh it works surprisingly well. Just a bit dangeroos if too close to a naked flame. Could be burning whilst you're alseep. if the fire doesn't get you the toxic fumes sure will.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
I gave up at "the heat from the fire will radiate through the sheet and then be trapped". So it'll radiate in, but not radiate out? Am I missing something?

She's probably got that about right.

Radiation of heat (from a "black body", anyways) is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature.

A fire is pretty hot.

The living space (presumably) isn't.

So a lot more radiation comes out from the fire than does from the living space.

Nobody seems to have mentioned efficiency, and I'm not going to. :)


Full Member
May 23, 2014
I think she has slept in that spot for quite a while looking at her other vids, so she's probably had the wind blowing smoke into the lean to so much she's taking no chances with the fence

Other than being an awsome "boys den" i imagine it will serve as an outdoor studio of sorts as well, it will look great in winter when all the snows been shoveled out


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
I'd luurrvvvveeee to see some examples of some more home grown efforts...:)

Me too, or is this a case of the 'armchair' bushcrafters sharing their in depth knowledge and wisdom with us ? I can't see this lady reading this and bothering to reply and justify her efforts, she may read this thread and think its not worth replying to IMHO. Looking at her other videos she actually 'does it' rather than day dreaming about 'doing it'.

Due to poor health I'm an 'armchair' bushcrafter but I think she has worked hard and built a solid shelter which is certainly as good as any I've seen UK members here make.
Jul 30, 2012
What I think is "shelter" may have taken longer than a day to construct. I want one, as its like a castle, make the walls taller, could put in a moat and drawbridge and have a gantree along the top to stand on and fire arrows from
deer feeder
And ruthlessly efficient.


Full Member
May 26, 2015
Me too, or is this a case of the 'armchair' bushcrafters sharing their in depth knowledge and wisdom with us ? I can't see this lady reading this and bothering to reply and justify her efforts, she may read this thread and think its not worth replying to IMHO. Looking at her other videos she actually 'does it' rather than day dreaming about 'doing it'.

Due to poor health I'm an 'armchair' bushcrafter but I think she has worked hard and built a solid shelter which is certainly as good as any I've seen UK members here make.

Is there really a need for you to be quite so insulting about people who are merely expressing their opinion or are you so devoid of entertainment that you joy from taking the proverbial urine out of your fellow bushcrafters?

Could this to have anything to do with the fact she is a young Austrian female rather than a burly Northern bloke with a gamy foot? :rolleyes:

Unless you want to sponsor a location and materials to prove the point, best you keep your 'armchair' opinion in said armchair. Or can you do better with your opinion? Perhaps some of us are better at 'doing' an opinion rather than 'day dreaming about it'?


Full Member
May 26, 2015
And here's me all out of :lurk:


I'd grab an extra bag or two... I'm currently trying to get in touch with Lilly to find out the timescale of her build and in the morning I'll see if I can get the space in a local woodland. If not, we'll have to rely on our 'doubters' to see whether us 'armchair' bushcrafters can build a more efficient model in the same time scale.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
Went and looking at her other videos, showing her building it.

Seems she's just iterating through ideas, as she tore down her previous hunter's style shelter to build this one.

Quite jealous if it and the location really :)
Last edited:


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Is there really a need for you to be quite so insulting about people who are merely expressing their opinion or are you so devoid of entertainment that you joy from taking the proverbial urine out of your fellow bushcrafters?

Could this to have anything to do with the fact she is a young Austrian female rather than a burly Northern bloke with a gamy foot? :rolleyes:

Unless you want to sponsor a location and materials to prove the point, best you keep your 'armchair' opinion in said armchair. Or can you do better with your opinion? Perhaps some of us are better at 'doing' an opinion rather than 'day dreaming about it'?

I don't know any Northern blokes with a gamy foot. ?

Most members here stroll from the car to a bit of woodland and play woodsman (nowt wrong with that), this woman does a lot more than that.

I doubt I could build that shelter, certainly it would take a long time due to my COPD but respect the woman's efforts, perhaps others here should to.


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