Super Dad wanting tips to teach his kids.

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Oct 14, 2024
Hello fellow Preppers & Bushwhackers, my name is Anthony from "that there London"
I'm delighted to join BCUK today, having been down this familiar rabbit hole of fearing stuff hitting the fan and bushcraft, especially being outdoors building stuff with my kids.
I'm interested in learning more, being a better super-dad, and keeping my kids off devices, teaching them real useful skills.
Anyone have good stuff to teach pre-teens let me knw
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Do you have a garden?
A sleep outdoors with or without a tent has been a big one for my family; children and grandchildren. (Not all have taken to it and most in-laws are against!).

If you have a fire pit, bowl or a bucket with some hatchet holes in it, then teaching lighting a fire and making s’mores and hot chocolate is another lead in.

Then if you think that they are ready: a bit of whittling. Not making anything, just working a stick to start with. You can do a lot with a supermarket paring knife or a basic penknife.

Oh and rope.
Three stand cotton, jute or hemp is easiest. Nylon can be tricky till you learn to whip the strands. Just the basic knots. In real life I get away with about four knots, three splices and a whipping. Don’t sweat the splices.

If you do a fire then a song and a yarn won’t go amiss.
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Welcome - Have messaged you.
Hello fellow Preppers & Bushwhackers, my name is Anthony from "that there London"
I'm delighted to join BCUK today, having been down this familiar rabbit hole of fearing stuff hitting the fan and bushcraft, especially being outdoors building stuff with my kids.
I'm interested in learning more, being a better super-dad, and keeping my kids off devices, teaching them real useful skills.
Anyone have good stuff to teach pre-teens let me knw
Fire pit made from an old large can in the garden and do some cooking eg sausages and burgers then stay out all night and see if they can spot the stars
Hey Ant, good to have you on Bushcraft UK mate, and what a great reason to be joining. I've got 5 kids and they've grown up doing all sorts of bushcrafty things, although you might not think so now they're in their teens!

I hope you find what you're looking for. It might be worth starting a thread with your question in the Bushcraft Chatter forum goodjob
Welcome, Ant. It’s a great thought, and one I share: I have 4 kids (aged 4 - 13), and probably my best advice to kick start things would be to get them into your local Scouts group. So much of it at that age is about fun, and meeting new friends, and our Scouts troop does a wonderful job of taking them on camp, trips, and so on. I volunteered to be a Leader, and I now lead on bushcraft activities across the District.

Of course, me and my kids do go camping / fishing / hiking / etc as a family too, and the Scouting has shown them that my strange outdoorsy hobbies are actually pretty cool and fun!
My Scoutmaster passed away the other day - He was a good age and ultimately a good man and for me at my time in life - a superb mentor in many ways.

He definitely had a positive impact on me to plan - short term and long term.

So where I am going with this - for the scouts if we knew a camp was being scheduled he would ask the pack to plan ahead and arrange a list of everything we would need for a two day camp - every piece of equipment that we would be drawing from the stores would be listed and planned out by the scouts.

He of course would be there in the background to keep an eye on things but not until we had either made our mistakes ( and learnt from them ) or had some inherent plan for teaching us something from it.

It was quite a useful learning experience to take accountability of (in)action on relatively young minds. TASK-ACTION-PLAN.

I think there is a lot you could do with that just in the constraints of a back garden.
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Hello fellow Preppers & Bushwhackers, my name is Anthony from "that there London"
I'm delighted to join BCUK today, having been down this familiar rabbit hole of fearing stuff hitting the fan and bushcraft, especially being outdoors building stuff with my kids.
I'm interested in learning more, being a better super-dad, and keeping my kids off devices, teaching them real useful skills.
Anyone have good stuff to teach pre-teens let me knw
welcome x
Hello fellow Preppers & Bushwhackers, my name is Anthony from "that there London"
I'm delighted to join BCUK today, having been down this familiar rabbit hole of fearing stuff hitting the fan and bushcraft, especially being outdoors building stuff with my kids.
I'm interested in learning more, being a better super-dad, and keeping my kids off devices, teaching them real useful skills.
Anyone have good stuff to teach pre-teens let me knw

Cold clear nights are upon us - teach them how to find North by the stars.

Ursa Major
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I think that was Anthony’s one and only post back in October.

That doesn’t detract from the advice for getting children interested in all things bushcraft.
I think there is a lot you could do with that just in the constraints of a back garden.
I agree. I taught my daughter all the most important foundational skills in woodscraft/bushcraft, knife skills, camp crafts, campfire cooking skills etc., in the kitchen and in the backyard fire pit area long before I started doing outings in the woods with her.
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