Suffolk Bushcraft Daniel Boone Challenge - 22nd to 24th September 2017

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Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Suffolk Bushcraft Daniel Boone Challenge - 22nd to 24th September 2017


It's been two years now since we ran the last Daniel Boone challenge, so......

To Carry on the Challenge set by Man of Tanith,

With the following generic kit list, spend two consecutive nights out. Construct at least one camp gadget. The Idea of the Challenge is to research and work out and practice with kit and skills that would have been used in those times, and to stick close to it, and to share some of the limitations or advantages of Equipment Mountain Men from the late 1700’s to the mid 1800’s, may well of had, so staying as close to the kit as possible......this will also encourage the exploration of new skills and Knowledge.

The Challenge will be over two nights in two different Woods, one being the Main Suffolk Bushcraft Group Woodland and the other being another woodland in the area, the two woodlands will be within a two mile walking distance from the starting area, and an easy navigable route.

For safety reasons the challenge will be done in Pairs, If there are more than one pair, the Pairs must locate a separate area in the woodlands. Pairs and Woods will be drawn on the day at the start of the event.

When in the Secondary Woodland it is an SSSI – Please Respect it
Only Dead wood to be used

There is no Prize or Kudos intended in this Challenge, just the reward of any fun/knowledge you gain.....

Enjoy and let’s have a fun experience...

Kit List - Please dont split kit between each other, use this as an way of thinking about kit use and carry.

2 Wool Blankets and canvas type swag or One Bedroll – ie Czech or Similar.
Waterproof Tarp.
Two Knives - Changed as I have found that a smaller knife was sometimes carried for general use in the Possibilty Bag
Axe or Saw, a choice of one - As a mater of interest I can not find any referance to Saws being carried....
Flint and Steel – Not Ferro Rod, I have found some referances to Lucifers... these were the sulphur mathes of the day, not common at all, but may be used. No moden day matches
Tinder box/Pouch with tinder types from the period, no modern materials i.e. NO Cotton Wool and Vaseline.
Water Bottle
Billy Can and Lid.
Spoon Only
Candle/Lantern for lighting.
Rucksack/Bag to carry items in, Try to stick to canvas and not use a modern Bergan.

Safety Items
Torch for emergency use only...
First aid kit

Stansfield, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 8LN. Full details to follow meet will be around 14:00. At the Stansfeild Compasses..

The Site charge is £10 per person for the Weekend, fees for the site to be paid to me (Big Stu) as you arrive, this will have to be in cash.

Under 18s
Are welcome to attend, they are the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian that they came to the Event with, and will make up a team.

Our meets, are good natured and light hearted, with safety in mind, we aim to carry this on with self regulation, if it does not then the offending person will be asked to leave immediately.

The nearest Toilet, Shower are back at a near Farm Yard, the nearest Tap to the Woodlands is about 600m from the Suffolk Bushcraft Group Woodland. Water will be available from the normal Tap At the farm yard for both Woodlands prior to start off and during the challenge.
Personal Hygiene - there are NO toilets in the woodland, apart from the ones at the Farm, please bring your Hygiene kits, as this is a smaller event over a larger area there will be no latrine dug, please use the normal method of bury, burn and mark.

There is no Facility to leave rubbish on site or at the farm, please bring a Rubbish Bag for your waste and take it home; we have had occasions were other peoples pitches have been cleaned up by others, You Carry In – You Carry Out.

Fire Places and Fire scar’s to be kept to a minimum, if you make a Fire Scar for any reason, it is your responsibility to clean it up.

In the Main Woodland the SBCG Communal area, or items in the Communal area are not to be used.

Vehicles and Access and Parking for the event
Due to the amount of cars and access being required by the landowner, cars will go straight to the parking area for the duration of the stay, please do not block Gates and Barn doorways.

Other Info
We are still on probation at this site, so please keep to the simple rules and treat it with respect. Any person not adhering to the conditions will be asked to stop the activity.

Fire Wood can be gathered from around the sites, Dead Wood only to be used, No live wood to be cut.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own attending you agree to this term.

First Aid
There are no First Aid facilities on site, so you will need to bring your own kit, not just Plasters
The nearest A & E is 20 minutes drive at;
West Suffolk Hospital
Hardwick Lane
Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk IP33 2QZ,
Switchboard: 01284 713000

Helpfull Links for Information - complied with the help of other members of BCUK

Just Mountain Men - Big Stu 12, info just about Mountain men. - Man of Tanith - nice discription on how the Mountian Man may have carried and packed his kit - Man of Tanith, all sort of information, great kettle tutorial - Big Stu 12 - Loads of links to many other sites, and assorts of info

General Info -Big Stu 12 - Forum for re-inactors, loads of info - Big Stu 12 - Loads of information, good selection of other links.. - Corso - Loads of information about Frontiers men around the world. - Big Stu 12 - American Civil War Re-enactment UK - just for info and insperation for kit..

Supliers of Kit - Corso - Some nice reenactment kit, bit late for Boonies, but nice kit. Big Stu 12 - Us Supplier but good videos, and Ideas from kit they sell

Food - Albus Cutter - As title says - Big Stu 12, some 1800 to 1900 food recipies,

Book Suggestions
A pilgrims journey - volume 1 and 2 - Mark Butler - spx - Man Of Tanith .
The hunters of kentucky by ted franklin beule a history of the colonisation of kentuky-Mr Boone was very involved with this - Man Of Tanith
Life of Daniel Boone by Lyman C draper-biography of Boone- Man Of Tanith
American colonial ranger, the northern colonies by Gary s zaboly-illistrated lightweight read of rangers such as rogers rangers not quite boone time period but a lot of long hunters served, some good pics of kit/clothing/typical food stuffs - Man Of Tanith
War on the run by John F Ross-biography of Robert Rogers-fascinating read, - Man Of Tanith
Journals of Robert Rogers of the rangers- Robert Rogers own diaries of his military career, interesting reading - Man Of Tanith
If you plan to attend, then Paste and Copy Just the last Attendance list posted, place name on bottom of list.

List of Attending - Daniel Boone kit only, this is not a normal monthly meet.

1 Stu and Ruby 2 nights.
2 Bryan Stanbridge 2 nights.
3 Jubal Harshaw 2 nights.
Thanks for letting me know about this one at the 'moot. I do enjoy the Boone challenges in Suffolk (and it's good to be reminded about these links too). I'll be taking my daughter and all her stuff to uni for the first time that weekend so can't make it unfortunately. Hope everyone has fun!

Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
List of Attending - Daniel Boone kit only, this is not a normal monthly meet.

1 Stu and Ruby 2 nights.
2 Bryan Stanbridge 2 nights.
3 Jubal Harshaw 2 nights.
4 Jimbo75 2 nights. TBC


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.