Step 1: Baiting the Squirrels - picture heavy

I get rather sentimental about the birds and the squirrels right about now when the temperatures begin to drop.

So I fill the bird feeder with bird food and scatter a big bag of peanut-laden squirrel mix all over the patio table. Then I rush inside, but not before making squirrelly sounds with my lips to encourage all of the neighbourhood squirrels to partake in an epicurean free-for-all.

I only expect Black and Grey Squirrels.

But today a very nervous and quick Red Squirrel darted about and did a little dance before shooting over to the bird feeder.

I think he's nervous around the larger squirrels.

Red Squirrels are preyed upon by Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis), coyote (Canis latrans), great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), northern goshawk (Accipiter gentiles), red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), American Marten (Martes americana), fox (Vulpes vulpes), wolf (Canis lupus) and weasel (Mustela sp.) and it is believed to some degree by the beagle (Beaglus beagly).

I'd be pretty nervous with that cast of carnivorous characters waiting in the wings.

I am fond of Red Squirrels. They're pugnacious and boisterous and gutsy and brave.

I think I'd like to be a Red Squirrel one day. Maybe in another life, at least for a while.

Monty and I watched the whole circus from the back window - Spring swung by to watch us watch the squirrels. My canine companion could only sit and think of the many ways he would eat the squirrels. Baked. Grilled. BBQed. Sauteed. Fried. Deep-fried. Boiled. Parboiled. And in a very special way - in a comfit.

The squirrels stuffed themselves with peanuts and sunflower seeds and all other treats, and would from time to time hop about the snow and furiously bury some of the food.

Smart little critters. But maybe not that smart. You see, this might just be the first step towards gathering the ingredients for a recipe for braised squirrel - the baiting.

They get nice and comfortable with all this easy food. Soon they just might be eating out of my hands. I think I have some nice thick bacon in the bottom drawer of the fridge, all ready for seasoning the little critters.




Oct 19, 2008
South Coast
Great photos Mungo, wow the doggie looks ready for action eh? like a coiled spring ready to pounce...or perhaps a little snooze's cold out there anyway he's thinking..:D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
We only have greys in our area. I used to shoot them, but now the kids feed them and take their picture!

This one was taken on Boxing Day, by my 10 year old daughter...


Bush Junior 001

I am sure Black Squirrels are Grey Squirrels that have a gene defiancy(Probably spelt wrong). They are in certain areas around the UK as well. I watched some program on the Red Squirrel recently and they (Black ones) were mentioned as a pest.
I am sure Black Squirrels are Grey Squirrels that have a gene defiancy(Probably spelt wrong). They are in certain areas around the UK as well. I watched some program on the Red Squirrel recently and they (Black ones) were mentioned as a pest.

I looked around and found some information about the Black versus Grey Squirrel: The grey and the black squirrels are actually two coat-type varieties of the same species. They are about as different genetically as black and white alley cats are from orange and white alley cats. It is possible that the black coats is the dominant colour, but at this time it is unknown.

I imagine that they taste roughly the same too...


Full Member
Mar 16, 2008
great pictures. I didnt know there was red squirrels in canada as well.

There is plenty black squirrels in hertfordshire. I seen a good few run over to, if anybody wants to make a novelty black squirrel hat ;)


Nov 20, 2008
Canton S.Dakota (Ex pat)
The last true English Red squirrel I saw was about 1962 near Ashford in Kent. In fact it was on Hothfield Common. Those little fellows of yours remind me of a somewhat carefree childhood. That was when it was safe to roam the woods and bye ways without your parents warning you about deviants out and about. Heck I used to hang out with the real Romanys with never any trouble.
Well the odd hare run with a long dog:rolleyes: anyway.
Jon R.
Jul 15, 2006
This guy's the boss Squirrel in my garden - keeps the others away from the feeder box by sitting in it. Makes me laugh when he ducks down inside it and pops up when another squirrel comes up to the box!

Just had to name him "Jack" for obvious reasons (Jack in the box!)




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