Starting something new! help!

Jan 13, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Hello Bushcraft forum,

Thanks for adding me to the forum! I am new to forums in general and new to the outdoor experience. To be honest i have been one of those guys that sit around all day not doing a great deal, unless i am at work. But i need to be making changes and discovering a few of the beautiful places we have across England. But i don't know where to start, I know there is places like the Lake District but once i arrived i'm not sure what you do there what is allowed there etc. I don't really know what i am wanting to experience just that i wan't to give just about anything a try and start living life!!

I am based in Nottingham, so anything outside of Nottingham city would be good to get me out of the city for once. Basically any suggestions you guys have i will research it and start making plans, also any tips and points for while i'm out camping or taking long walks/hill climbs, who know?? i already have walking gear like boots and walking poles (I found a good place for this sort of stuff) to guide me along the way so this is no problem.

Looking forward to speaking with you all!!!

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
You could do worse than reading a book that inspired generations and is still full of ideas for simple outdoor adventures. Romantic Britain by Tom Stephenson and The Countryside Companion by the same author may have very little bushcraft but they can open eyes to our wonderful country.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2014
United Kingdom
Aye Up Bushing AJ,


It might be a good idea to spend a while browsing the threads on this site e.g. Planning and trip Report threads to see what others have done/intend to do to give you some insight.

Read up on the gear/clothing selection and preparation posts as not only will that give you an idea of what you need for whatever you decide to do but often how people use the items.

Browse the site for other members who live near to you and find out if you can go along with them to get a taste of what can be/is done.
One of the great things about BCUK is that whilst 'bushcrafting' is the common thread amongst us, the members have wide ranging additional skills/hobbies/pass-times so you might find yourself bushcrafting but with rock climbers, hill walkers, canoeists etc (not forgetting all the 'maker' aspects).

Research the country code and the rules and regs regarding where you can legally go and what you can do there i.e. - National Trust; Woodland Trust; etc.

BCUK is a great resource for knowledge; advice; clothing and equipment and ideas.

Get the most out of it and have fun. :)


Feb 13, 2016
Cumbria lake district
another great source for ideas / inspiration is youtube, check out some wild camping and day walks on there, you will be amazed what is out there waiting for you to find
Jan 13, 2017
Nottingham, UK
The gear and clothing is something i will have to do a little research on being as i am clueless so i will search the forum see what there is. I have had a couple hours on YouTube now and there is quite a lot of choice which is awesome. I am going to get a list of about 5 different locations together and get back on here see what you guys can tell me about them/see what i can find! Thanks for the reply's guys!

Much appreciated
Jan 13, 2017
Nottingham, UK
After a few days spending time on YouTube and chatting with the family we have come up with Dartmoor, Mermaids pool, Dernwood farm and the Eco camp! We will be going to all 4 with out a doubt but we aren't sure which to go to first.. decisions decisions


Full Member
Dec 23, 2006
Hi AJ welcome aboard. I also live in Notts and for equipment etc I use places like Decathlon, Alpkit which is two roads away from me and a new Go Outdoors has opened in Daybrook, a good place for clothing. Outdoor wise we have the Peak District on our doorstep with plenty of places to walk as well as camping sites to get you started.
Goodluck, Riven.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.