Starting Fires/hello

Jun 18, 2004
I am fond of the great outdoors, and am lucky to have such an exciting job as a beater(in pheasant shooting), in so much contact with trees and all of natures goodness, and fail to see why others find the subject so amusing, or even sad. They just do not understand the greatness of ''Bushcrafting'' and so would like to extend my gratitude to what, I have discovered to be an excellent site.
That's the chatter out of the way. . .now to the topic. Is it true that potassium parmanganate when mixed vigorously with sugar causes fire? I heard this from an experienced Bushcrafter, but I'm interested in the practicalities of this. Any offers?

Bob :lol:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
Welcome Bob! :wave: Great to have you here!

Potassium Permanganate and sugar (dry) is a good, handy firestarter but it won't catch fire on its own. For that you need Pot Permang and antifreeze. Take a small heap of Pot Permang, add a couple of drops of antifreeze and crush the lot up on some newspaper and put it down quickly - it will burst into flames within 30 seconds normally and it very reliable (I must have done it 30 - 40 times when BCUK was at the NEC Outdoor Show and it worked each and every time. :-D


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
Potassium Permanganate mixed with suger (the ratio is not as important as many suggest) will also ignite by friction with out having anything else added

you can try this by putting a small pile of the mixed powder onto an area of flat stone (or paving slab) and rubbing the mixture into the stone with the back of a spoon in small circular movments

with only a small amount of rubbing it will pop and spark then burst into flames

N.B. do not do this with potassium nitrate/Chlorate mixtures!!!!!! YOU WILL LOSE FINGERS


Its odd the reactions you get from different chemists when you ask for permanganate.
One chemist grilled me for 15 minutes before condescending to allowing me to give her some money for a pot.
Another chemist didn't bat an eye-lid.
Another just asked why I wanted it and quizzed me about bushcraft for 10 minutes and ended by saying. 'Wow, sounds fun'. (then I noticed she was married, oh well :wink: ).
Another wouldn't sell me any until I made it clear I knew about using it having worked in labs and told her where I'd worked...
I know you have to responsible, but it kinda makes you feel like you're palnning something crooked, or you'd just asked for a litre of nitro the way some chemists treat you.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
jakunen said:
Its odd the reactions you get from different chemists when you ask for permanganate.
One chemist grilled me for 15 minutes before condescending to allowing me to give her some money for a pot.
Another chemist didn't bat an eye-lid.
Another just asked why I wanted it and quizzed me about bushcraft for 10 minutes and ended by saying. 'Wow, sounds fun'. (then I noticed she was married, oh well :wink: ).
Another wouldn't sell me any until I made it clear I knew about using it having worked in labs and told her where I'd worked...
I know you have to responsible, but it kinda makes you feel like you're palnning something crooked, or you'd just asked for a litre of nitro the way some chemists treat you.

I get mine from Tesco - just tell em it's anti-fungal for feet :wink: . Never had a problem. Boots are OK but generally mess around getting it in.


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