Sorry rageful rant!

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this puts a shiver up my back, i was in hosptital in a HD ward and woke up aftrer a op, to find some lovely old dear "trying" my stick out for size, the poor nurses thought i was having a fit.the nures were restruning me and preesing the happy button on my hand, Thank god my wife come in and worked out what was happerning, and politely removed my stick from the lovely sweet old dear, who was hedding for the door.
After the nures had words with the wife saying i was over reacting,was only a silly stick, she replede on the lines that thank goodness it was only his secound best stick, if it was his FIRST best he would of been out of bed after her,
A good stick is very hard to find, and one does depend on it, i would reather lose my car, then my stick,
SandSnacks, deep simperfy for you, hope you find a new one soon.

Elderly people in hospital are far from harmless...I saw an 82 year old man, with a fractured hip and dementia throw a 32" 90s television set not from, but THROUGH a third floor window! They have the power of puggled-ness which makes them almost super human! Luckily it landed in the fish pond in the courtyard and no one was hurt.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.