Some fungus - question


Just harvested few minutes ago.

How can I use this??


Is this amadou?

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Dec 13, 2004
Zaandam, the Netherlands
Just harvested few minutes ago.

How can I use this??

Is this amadou?

Hi Rui,

the black balls to the right look like cramp balls (Daldinia concentrica). When dry enough these will take a spark from a ferocerium rod or (with some patience) even from iron pyrites or a traditional firesteel. Break them open and direct the sparks to the silvery concentric rings on the inside. This stuff is also excellent tinder for a fire piston.

The other fungus could be horse hoof fungus (Fomes fomentarius) but I´m not sure (this fungus normally has a horse hoof shaped top). Some other shelf fungi could be used in the same manner so just try it out; cut away the outer layer and the little tubes. The velvety/chamois leathery looking stuff that is now left is called the trama layer. It will work untreated with sparks from iron pyrites when fluffed up to a woolly mass (and off course with a ferrocerium rod). Sometimes it also works untreated in a fire piston or with traditional firesteel.
To turn this trama layer into amadou you have to process it by boiling sliced pieces in a wood ash solution (or saltpetre, or strong urine...; there are many variable recipes for this, search in the old threads for ´amadou´and you will find something useful) and then pound the pieces into flat sheets with a wooden stick or hammer. This treatment enhances the ability to catch a spark.

Most shelf fungi are good ember extenders and can be used to carry a glowing coal for considerable time.



PS I nearly forgot to mention: both fungi can be lit easily with a magnifying glass when dry
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