Some aninal signs - ID help

Whilst out today there was still some snow on the ground and I was hoping to see some tracks. Im hoping someone can help correct me or help me with the id?

One interesting thing I did come across was a fresh hind leg of a roe deer hidden in the trees. I couldn't see the rest of it but I couldn't work out how it got there and who had nibbled on it nor in fact where the body was? :confused:
What kind of animals would likely be big enough to do that?

Would this scratching of wood be releated to badgers? They didnt look too fresh, possibly within the past couple of months?

First there are these scratch marks, but I couldn't find any large holes nearby or any other sign.

Much further into the wood I came across these large holes amongst the roots....

and this earthy patch which stood out in the woods and was pretty near to the holes above.

Then when I found some snow there were some large bird tracks (possibly 4cm wide or bigger)

And nearby were some roe deer prints?



Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
The wood scratching is definately badger. The holes look like outlying satellite holes made by badgers, but currently being used by rabbit. The bird looks like partridge, but difficult to tell due to scale.
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How can you tell it is being used by rabbits rather than badger? I couldn't see any other sign such as prints or hair caught in the branches.

The bird prints were quite large, I know I should have put down something for scale, I was always told to do that while on geology fieldtrips.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
How can you tell it is being used by rabbits rather than badger? I couldn't see any other sign such as prints or hair caught in the branches.

If you look at the grass surrounding and hanging over the holes, it hasn't been moved by whatever it is using the holes. A badger using them constantly would have pushed them out of the way. This time of year you would also see a much used path and debris from digging and bedding. The scrape you photographed is a rabbit scrape too. They could well be rabbit burrows, but due to the D shape and the way you described them as 'large' it points to a badgers work.
Feb 15, 2011
Whilst out today there was still some snow on the ground and I was hoping to see some tracks. Im hoping someone can help correct me or help me with the id?

One interesting thing I did come across was a fresh hind leg of a roe deer hidden in the trees. I couldn't see the rest of it but I couldn't work out how it got there and who had nibbled on it nor in fact where the body was? :confused:
What kind of animals would likely be big enough to do that?

Would this scratching of wood be releated to badgers? They didnt look too fresh, possibly within the past couple of months?

First there are these scratch marks, but I couldn't find any large holes nearby or any other sign.

Much further into the wood I came across these large holes amongst the roots....

and this earthy patch which stood out in the woods and was pretty near to the holes above.

Then when I found some snow there were some large bird tracks (possibly 4cm wide or bigger)

And nearby were some roe deer prints?

What you could do, is try to lightly flatten & smooth over the ground near or around the entrances, maybe take a little digger with you, to add more earth/sand if it's too hard or dry.............then there would be no doubts....that hidden roe deer leg is intriguing...................are we talking big cat again ?.............


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